▼NDeveel | |
▼NData | |
►NCaching | |
CCache | Represents a cache of Objects. /summary> |
CCacheAdapter | |
CCachedCell | |
CCacheProperties | |
CCellKey | |
►CDataCellCache | Represents a cache for accesses to the the data cells within a Table. |
CDCCache | An implementation of Cache. |
CDCCacheKey | Struct that creates an object that hashes nicely over the cache source. |
CICache | Provides a contract to access a caching system. |
CITableCellCache | |
►CMemoryCache | |
CCacheValue | |
CMemoryCacheTests | |
CSizeLimitedCache | |
CTableCacheExtensions | |
►CTableCellCache | |
CCache | |
CCacheKey | |
►NClient | |
CConnectionClient | |
CDatabaseExtensions | |
CDatabaseMetadata | |
CDbConnectionTests | |
CDeveelDbCommand | |
CDeveelDbConnection | |
CDeveelDbConnectionStringBuilder | |
CDeveelDbDataReader | |
CDeveelDbException | |
CDeveelDbParameter | |
CDeveelDbParameterCollection | |
CDeveelDbServerException | |
CDeveelDbTransaction | |
►CLocalRowCache | A cache that stores rows retrieved from the server in result set's. |
CCachedRow | A cached row. |
CRowRef | Used for the hash key in the cache. |
CStreamDatabaseInterface | An stream implementation of an interface to a database. |
CTCPStreamDatabaseInterface | Connection to the database via the TCP protocol. |
►NConfiguration | |
CConfigGroup | A static class that defines the rules to group configurations |
CConfigKey | A single key of a configuration that defines the name and type of the value that a ConfigValue associated with this key will handle. |
CConfiguration | |
CConfigurationExtensions | |
CDatabaseConfigurationException | |
CDbConfigTests | |
CFileConfigSource | A channel used to read from and write to a given file in the underlying file-system. |
CIConfigFormatter | Provides the format to load and store configurations in and from a stream. |
CIConfigSource | A source for stored configurations or destination to configurations to store. |
CIConfigurable | Marks a component as configurable and passes the configuration object that is used to load the configurations handled. |
CIConfiguration | Defines the contract for the configuration node of a component within the system or of the system itself. |
CIConfigurationProvider | |
CPropertiesConfigFormatter | |
CStreamConfigSource | An implementation of IConfigSource that handles a single Stream as source and destination of the configurations. |
CStringConfigSource | |
►CUrlConfigSource | |
CWebOutputStream | |
►NControl | |
CDbConfigTest | |
CPersistenceTests | |
►NDeveel | |
►NData | |
►NXml | |
CFluentConfigurationExtensions | |
►NDiagnostics | |
►CContextExtensions | |
CDelegateRouter | |
CDatabaseExtensions | |
CErrorEvent | |
CErrorException | The base class of all the exceptions handled by the system and that can be converted to events sent to the diagnostics. |
CEvent | |
CEventExtensions | |
CEventRegistry | |
CEventSourceExtensions | |
CEventsTests | |
CIEvent | This is an event occurred during the lifetime of a database. |
CIEventRegistry | Implementations of this interface handle the registration of events fired within the system. |
CIEventRouter | Defines the basic logic for the dispatching of events within a system workflow. |
CIEventScope | |
CIEventSource | Represents the origin of system events, providing a mechanism to fill the metadata before dispatching the event. |
CInformationEvent | |
CKnownEventMetadata | |
CLog4NetModule | |
CLogEntry | |
CLoggerBase | |
CLoggerSettings | |
CLoggerTests | |
CPerformanceEvent | |
CQueryEvent | |
CRequestExtensions | |
CSessionEvent | |
CSessionExtensions | |
CStatementEvent | |
CThreadedQueue | |
►NIndex | |
►CBlindSearchIndex | |
CRangeChecker | |
CBlindSearchTests | |
►CBlockIndex | An implementation of BlockIndexBase<T> that stores all values in blocks that are entirely stored in main memory. /summary> |
►CBlock | |
CEnumerator | |
►CBlockIndexBase | An implementation of an index of values that are stored across an array of blocks. |
CEnumerator | |
CCollatedSearchIndex | |
►CColumnIndex | |
CIndexComparer | |
CSubsetIndexComparer | |
CColumnIndexContext | |
CDefaultIndexTypes | |
CIIndex | An interface for querying and accessing an index of primitive integers. |
CIIndexBlock | A block contained in a BlockIndex. |
CIIndexComparer | A comparer that is used within IIndex<T> to compares two values which are indices to data that is being compared. |
CIIndexEnumerator | Enumerates the elements of an index. |
CIIndexFactory | |
CIIndexSet | An object that access to a set of indexes. |
CIMappedBlock | |
CIndexBlock | |
CIndexRange | Describes the range of values to select from an index. |
CIndexRangeSet | |
CIndexSetStore | |
►CInsertSearchIndex | |
CIndexComparerImpl | |
CLuceneIndex | |
CLuceneIndexFactory | |
CSnapshotIndexSet | |
►CStoreIndex | |
CMappedBlock | |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
►NLinq | |
CColumnQuery | |
►CContextQueryTests | |
CEmptyTestQueryContext | |
CEmptyTestType | |
CDatabaseExtensions | |
►CDeveelDbExecutor | |
CTableFieldReader | |
CDeveelDbFormatter | |
►CDeveelDbLanguage | |
CDeveelDbLinguist | |
►CDeveelDbMapping | |
CDbMappingEntity | |
CDeveelDbProvider | |
CDeveelDbTypeSystem | |
►CEvaluator | |
CNominator | Performs bottom-up analysis to determine which nodes can possibly be part of an evaluated sub-tree. |
CSubtreeEvaluator | Evaluates & replaces sub-trees when first candidate is reached (top-down) |
CExpressionTreeModifier | |
CExpressionVisitor | |
CInnermostWhereFinder | |
CProviderSettings | |
CQueryableTable | |
CQueryBuilder | |
CQueryContext | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryException | |
CQueryTable | |
CTableExtensions | |
CTableQuery | |
CTableQueryProvider | |
►CTableQueryTests | |
CPerson | |
CTestQueryContext | |
CTypeSystem | |
►NMapping | |
CColumnAttribute | |
CColumnConstraintAttribute | |
CColumnNameAttribute | |
CForeignKeyAttribute | |
CFunctionAttribute | |
CIgnoreAttribute | |
CIMemberMappingConfiguration | |
CINamedConstraint | |
CINamingConvention | |
CIRelationshipConfiguration | |
CITypeMappingConfiguration | |
CMappingContext | |
CMappingModel | |
CMemberMapping | |
CMemberMappingConfiguration | |
CNotNullAttribute | |
CPrimaryKeyAttribute | |
CRelationship | |
CRelationshipConfiguration | |
CRuledNamingConvention | |
CTableAttribute | |
CTypeMapping | |
CTypeMappingConfiguration | |
CUniqueAttribute | |
►NProtocol | |
CAcknowledgeResponse | |
CAuthenticateRequest | |
CAuthenticateResponse | |
CBeginRequest | |
CBeginResponse | |
►CClientConnector | |
CClientMessageProcessor | |
CCloseRequest | |
CCommitRequest | |
CConnectionEndPoint | |
CConnectRequest | |
CConnectResponse | |
►CDefaultLocalBootable | A bootable object that filters through to a DatabaseInterface but is thread-safe and multi-threaded. /summary> |
CLocalDatabaseInterface | A local implementation of DatabaseInterface that will dispose the parent ILocalBootable object when the last open connection is disposed. |
CDisposeResultRequest | |
CEmbeddedClientConnector | |
CEmbeddedMessageEnvelope | |
CEmbeddedServerConnector | |
CEncryptionAlgorithms | |
CEncryptionData | |
CIClient | |
CIClientConnector | |
CIConnector | |
CIDatabaseClient | |
CIInputStream | Represents a stream that supports required functionalities for a LengthMarkedBufferedInputStream |
CILargeObjectChannel | |
CIMessage | |
CIMessageEnvelope | |
CIMessageProcessor | |
CIQueryResponse | The response to a command executed via the IDatabaseInterface.ExecuteQuery method in the IDatabaseInterface interface. /summary> |
CIServerConnector | |
CIServerMessageEnvelope | |
CITriggerChannel | |
CKnownConnectionProtocols | |
CLargeObjectCreateRequest | |
CLargeObjectCreateResponse | |
CLargeObjectDisposeRequest | |
CLengthMarkedBufferedInputStream | Reads a command block on the underlying stream that is constrained by a length marker preceeding the command. |
CLocalClient | |
►CLocalDatabaseClient | |
CServerConnector | |
CLocalQueryResult | |
►CNetworkClientConnector | |
CClientProcessor | |
CNetworkTriggerChannel | |
CNetworkEnvelope | |
CNetworkEnvelopeMetadataKeys | |
►CNetworkInputStream | |
CNISNetworkStream | |
CPingRequest | |
CProcessor | This processes _queries from a client and dispatches the _queries to the database. |
CProtocolConstants | Constants used in the database communication protocol. |
CProtocolException | |
CQueryExecuteRequest | |
CQueryExecuteResponse | |
CQueryResult | |
CQueryResultColumn | |
CQueryResultPart | |
CQueryResultPartRequest | |
CQueryResultPartResponse | |
CQueryResultRow | |
CRollbackRequest | |
CSchemaChangeRequest | |
CServerClientConnector | |
►CServerConnector | |
CDirectStreamableObjectChannel | |
CQueryResponse | |
CServerMessageProcessor | |
CTriggerChannel | |
CServerError | |
CStreamableObject | An object that is streamable (such as a long binary object, or a long string object). |
CTcpClientConnector | |
CTriggerCreateRequest | |
CTriggerEventNotification | |
►NRoutines | |
CAggregateFunction | |
CExternalFunction | |
CExternalRoutineInfo | |
►CFunction | A system routine that returns a value at the end of its execution. |
CDynamicSqlType | |
►CFunctionBuildTests | |
CFactory1 | |
CFactory2 | |
CFunctionExtensions | Extension methods to any IFunction. |
CFunctionInfo | The function signature information that are used to resolve a function within a context. |
►CFunctionProvider | |
CDelegateFunction | |
CFunctionConfiguration | |
CFunctionParameterConfiguration | |
CIFunction | Defines a routine that is a function, that means it returns a value after its execution. |
CImportedKey | |
CInvoke | The information about the invocation of a routine, including the full name and arguments (as SqlExpression). |
CInvokeContext | Encapsulates the |
CInvokeResult | Represents the result of the execution of a routine. |
CIProcedure | A specific kind of routine that does not return any value when executed. |
CIRoutine | The contract to define a program routine that can interact with database objects. |
CIRoutineProvider | |
CIRoutineResolver | The system uses instances of this interface to resolve routines given a user invocation. |
CIRoutineResolverContainer | |
CPlSqlFunction | |
CProcedureInfo | |
CQuery | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CRoutineExtensions | |
CRoutineInfo | Defines the metadata for a routine that are used to resolve within a context. |
►CRoutineManager | |
►CRoutinesTableContainer | |
CRoutineTable | |
CRoutineNotFouncException | |
CRoutineParameter | |
CRoutineResolverExtensions | Extension methods to any IRoutineResolver |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
CSystemFunctions | |
►CSystemFunctionsProvider | |
CCast | |
CCount | |
CDistinctCount | |
CSystemFunctionTests | |
CSystemProcedureProvider | |
CSystemProcedures | |
CUserFunction | |
CUserSessionExtensions | |
►NSecurity | |
CCryptoHashExtenions | |
CGrant | The entity that holds the access control granted to an user or a group to a specific object in a database. |
►CHashFunctions | |
CHashFunction | |
CKeyedHashFunction | |
CIAuthenticationCallback | |
CIHashFunction | Defines a function to hash as user provided password |
CIHashFunctionProvider | |
CIKeyedHashFunction | An hash function that requires a private key to compute the final result. |
CInvalidAccessException | |
CIPrivilegeManager | |
CIUserManager | |
CMissingPrivilegesException | |
CPasswordCrypto | |
►CPrivilegeManager | |
CGrantCacheKey | |
CQuery | |
CQueryContext | |
CSecurityErrorCodes | |
CSecurityException | |
CSecurityModule | |
CSystemGroups | |
CUser | Provides the information for a user in a database system |
CUserGroup | |
CUserIdentification | |
CUserInfo | |
CUserManagementTests | |
CUserManager | |
CUserProtocolAccess | Contains the information about the access control to a user from a defined connection protocol to the database. |
►NSerialization | |
CBinarySerializer | |
►CBinarySerializeTests | |
CTestClass | |
CTestClass2 | |
CIObjectBinarySerializer | |
CIObjectSerializer | |
CIObjectSerializerResolver | |
CISerializable | |
CObjectBinarySerializer | |
CObjectData | |
CObjectSerializerProvider | |
CSerializeData | |
►NServices | |
CIRegistrationConfiguration | |
CIRegistrationConfigurationProvider | |
CIRegistrationWithBindingConfiguration | |
CIScope | |
CRegistrationConfigurationExtensions | |
CScopeExtensions | |
►CServiceContainer | |
CRegistrationConfiguration | |
CRegistrationWithBindingConfiguration | |
►CServiceContainerTests | |
CITestService | |
CTestService1 | |
CTestService2 | |
CServiceRegistration | |
►NSpatial | |
CFluentConfigurationExtensions | |
CScopeExtensions | |
CSpatialFunctionProvider | |
CSpatialFunctionsTest | |
CSpatialModule | |
CSpatialSystemFunctions | |
CSpatialType | |
CSpatialTypeResolver | |
CSqlGeometry | |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
►NSql | |
►NCompile | |
CAlterTableCompileTests | |
CContextExtensions | |
CCreateTableTests | |
CCreateViewTests | |
CCursorCompileTests | |
CDeclareVariableTests | |
CISqlCompiler | |
CSchemaCompileTests | |
CSourceLocation | |
CSqlCompileContext | |
CSqlCompileMessage | |
CSqlCompileResult | |
CSqlCompileTestBase | |
CSqlDefaultCompiler | |
►NCursors | |
CContextExtensions | |
►CCursor | |
CCursorArgumentPreparer | |
►CCursorInfo | |
CParameterCollection | |
CCursorManager | |
CCursorParameter | |
CCursorScopeExtensions | |
CCursorState | |
CFetchContext | |
CICursorScope | |
CRequestExtensions | |
►NExpressions | |
CAggregateChecker | |
CConstantVisitor | |
CEvaluateContext | Encapsulates the elements needed to evaluate an SqlExpression |
CExpressionEvaluateException | An error occurring while evaluating an SqlExpression. |
►CExpressionEvaluatorVisitor | |
CBinaryEvaluateInfo | |
CExpressionStringBuilder | |
CFromClause | A container for the FROM clause of a select statement. |
CFromTable | Describes a single table declaration in the from clause of a table expression (SELECT ). |
CIExpressionPreparer | An interface used to prepare a SqlExpression object. |
CIPreparable | A contract for objects that participate to a SqlExpression.Prepare phase of an expression evaluation. |
CJoinPart | |
CPreparerVisitor | |
CQueryReferenceExpression | |
CReturnTypeVisitor | |
CSelectColumn | Represents a column selected to be in the output of a select statement. |
CSqlAssignExpression | |
CSqlBetweenEspressionTests | |
CSqlBinaryExpression | |
CSqlBinaryExpressionTests | |
CSqlCastExpression | An SqlExpression that will cast a value retrieved by the evaluation of another expression into a given SQL data type. |
CSqlCastExpressionTests | |
CSqlConditionalExpression | |
CSqlConstantExpression | An expression that holds a constant value. |
CSqlDateExpressionTests | |
CSqlExpression | Defines the base class for instances that represent SQL expression tree nodes. |
CSqlExpressionException | |
CSqlExpressionExtensions | Extension methods to SqlExpression |
CSqlExpressionParseException | |
►CSqlExpressionSerializers | |
CSqlAssignExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlBinaryExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlConditionalExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlConstantExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlExpressionSerializerResolver | |
CSqlFunctionCallExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlQueryExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlReferenceExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlTupleExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlUnaryExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlVariableReferenceExpressionSerializer | |
CSqlExpressionTypeExtensions | |
CSqlExpressionVisitor | A visitor for SqlExpression objects. |
CSqlFunctionCallExpression | |
CSqlFunctionCallExpressionTests | |
►CSqlQueryBuilder | |
CQueryConfiguration | |
CSelectItemConfiguration | |
CSelectListConfiguration | |
CSqlQueryExpression | |
CSqlQueryExpressionTests | |
CSqlReferenceExpression | An expression that references an object within a context. |
CSqlTupleExpression | |
CSqlUnaryExpression | Handles expressions computed against an unary operator. |
CSqlUnaryExpressionTests | |
CSqlVariableReferenceExpression | |
►NFluid | |
CFunctionConfigurationExtensions | |
CFunctionParameterConfigurationExtensions | |
CIAggregateFunctionConfiguration | |
CIConfigurationContext | |
CIFromQueryConfiguration | |
CIFromSourceConfiguration | |
CIFromTableConfiguration | |
CIFunctionConfiguration | |
CIFunctionParameterConfiguration | |
CIGroupByConfiguration | |
CIJoinConfiguration | |
CIJoinWithTableConfiguration | |
CIOrderByConfiguration | |
CIOrderByExpressionConfiguration | |
CIProcedureConfiguration | |
CIProcedureParameterConfiguration | |
CIQueryConfiguration | |
CIRoutineConfiguration | |
CISelectItemConfiguration | |
CISelectItemWithExpressionConfiguration | |
CISelectListConfiguration | |
CQueryConfigurationExtensions | |
►NObjects | |
CIObjectRef | |
CISqlBinary | Defines the required contract of a SQL BINARY object |
CISqlObject | Defines the contract for a valid SQL Object |
CISqlString | |
►CSqlArray | An object that provides methods for accessing a finite collection of SQL expressions. |
CEnumerator | |
CSqlBinary | Implements a BINARY object that handles a limited number of bytes, not exceding MaxLength. |
CSqlBoolean | An SQL object handling a single-byte value that represents the concept of boolean true and false . |
CSqlBooleanTest | |
CSqlDateTime | |
CSqlDateTimeTests | |
CSqlDayToSecond | |
CSqlLongBinary | |
►CSqlLongString | |
CEnumerator | |
CSqlLongStringTests | |
CSqlNull | |
CSqlNumber | |
CSqlNumberTests | |
CSqlQueryObject | |
►CSqlString | The most simple implementation of a SQL string with a small size |
CStringEnumerator | |
CSqlStringExtensions | |
CSqlStringTests | |
CSqlTabular | |
CSqlXmlNode | |
CSqlYearToMonth | A month span representation of time. |
►NParser | |
CAddColumnNode | |
CAddConstraintNode | |
CAlterColumnNode | |
CAlterTableNode | |
CAlterUserStatementNode | |
CBreakStatementNode | |
CCaseSwitchNode | The node that represents a switch in a CASE expression |
CCloseCursorStatementNode | |
CColumnConstraintNode | |
CCommitStatementNode | |
CCompileErrorCodes | Constant error codes within the SQL compilation domain. |
CConstraintTypeNames | |
CContinueStatementNode | |
CCreateSchemaNode | |
CCreateSequenceNode | |
CCreateTableNode | |
CCreateTriggerNode | |
CCreateUserStatementNode | |
CCreateViewNode | |
CCursorParameterNode | |
CDataTypeBuilder | |
CDataTypeMetaNode | |
CDataTypeNode | Describes the information of a data type as found in a SQL string. |
CDeclareCursorNode | |
CDeclareExceptionNode | |
CDeclarePragmaNode | |
CDeclareVariableNode | |
CDropColumnNode | |
CDropConstraintNode | |
CDropCoulmnNode | |
CDropDefaultNode | |
CDropPrimaryKeyNode | |
CDropSchemaStatementNode | |
CDropTableStatementNode | |
CDropViewStatementNode | |
CExceptionHandlerNode | |
CExitStatementNode | |
CExpressionBuilder | |
CFetchStatementNode | |
CFromClauseNode | The node in an SQL query that defines the sources from which to retrieve the data queried. |
CFromQuerySourceNode | A node in the grammar tree that defines a sub-query in a FROM clause. |
CFromTableSourceNode | Represents the node that is a database table as source of a query. |
CGotoStatementNode | |
CGrantRoleStatementNode | |
CGrantStatementNode | |
CGroupByNode | A node that describes the GROUP BY clause in a SQL query. |
CIAlterActionNode | |
CIAlterUserActionNode | |
CIDeclareNode | |
CIdentifiedByPasswordNode | |
CIdentifierNode | This is a simple identifier within a SQL grammar. |
CIExpressionNode | This interface acts like a marker that indicates if a ISqlNode represents a SQL expression. |
CIFromSourceNode | Defines the base contract of the source of a query. |
CInsertSetNode | |
CInsertStatementNode | |
CInsertValueNode | |
CIntegerLiteralNode | Encapsulates a number that is any falling in the group of integers. |
CISqlChildNode | |
CISqlNode | Defines the contract for nodes in an AST model for a SQL grammar analysis and parsing. |
CISqlNodeVisitor | An interface that allows implementations of the visitor pattern on SQL compiled nodes. |
CISqlParser | Implementations of this interface will parse input strings into ISqlNode that can be used to construct objects for interacting with the system. |
CISqlParserResolver | An object used to resolve a parser for a specific dialect as configured within the system. |
CISqlVisitableNode | An implementation of ISqlNode that accepts visits from a ISqlNodeVisitor |
CIStatementNode | |
CITableElementNode | |
CIUserIdentificatorNode | |
CJoinNode | A node describing the JOIN between two sources within a query. |
CLabelNode | |
CLimitNode | |
CNumberLiteralNode | Handles a numeric literal value, belonging to a wider group than integer numbers, spanning from real to decimals. |
CObjectNameNode | Represents a composed name for an object within the system. |
COpenCursorStatementNode | |
COrderByNode | Within an SQL query node, this describes the ordering criteria that will be applied when returning the results of the selection. |
CPlSqlBlockNode | |
CPlSqlBlockTests | |
CPlSqlCodeBlockNode | |
CPrivilegeNode | |
CQueryCompositeNode | Composes two queries to obtain a set that is the result of a given composition function. |
CQueryInsertNode | |
CQueryUpdateNode | |
CRaiseStatementNode | |
CReturnStatementNode | |
CRollbackStatementNode | |
CSelectItemNode | A single item selected within a query node tree. |
CSelectStatementNode | |
CSequenceOfStatementsNode | |
CSetAccountStatusNode | |
CSetDefaultNode | |
CSetGroupsNode | |
CSetInsertNode | |
CSetPasswordNode | |
CSimpleUpdateNode | |
CSqlBetweenExpressionNode | An SQL BETWEEN expression node that evaluates to true if the Expression given is between MinValue (inclusive) and MaxValue (exclusive). |
CSqlBinaryExpressionNode | Represents an expression that evaluates between two other expressions. |
CSqlCaseExpressionNode | An SQL node describing an in-line CASE conditional expression. |
CSqlConstantExpressionNode | An node that represents a constant value set within a context of an SQL command. |
CSqlDataTypeGrammar | |
►CSqlDefaultParser | |
CTimer | |
CSqlExpressionGrammar | |
CSqlExpressionTupleNode | An expression containing a set of other expressions. |
CSqlFunctionCallExpressionNode | A node in a SQL command tree that is used to request a function. |
CSqlGrammar | |
CSqlGrammarBase | |
CSqlKeyNode | Represents a keyword found during the compilation of a source text. |
CSqlNode | The default implementation of ISqlNode, that is a node in the text analysis parsing of SQL commands. |
CSqlNodeExtensions | Extension methods to ISqlNode for diagnostics and other purposes. |
CSqlNodeVisitor | The default implementation of a ISqlNodeVisitor that implements the visitor as a protected accessor. |
CSqlParseError | |
CSqlParseException | An error that occurs when compiling a input string into a SQL object. |
CSqlParseResult | The result of a parse of an SQL input |
CSqlParserExtensions | Provides extensions to the ISqlParser interface instances. |
CSqlParsers | |
CSqlParseTests | |
CSqlQueryExpressionNode | The root node of an expression used to select a set of items from a set of sources defined, given some conditions specified. |
CSqlReferenceExpressionNode | An expression node that references an object within the database context (such as a table, a type, a variable, etc.). |
CSqlStatementNode | |
CSqlUnaryExpressionNode | An expression that encapsulates a unary operator for a given operand. |
CSqlVariableRefExpressionNode | References a variable within a SQL execution context. |
CStatementBuilder | |
CStringLiteralNode | A node containing a constant literal string passed within an SQL command. |
CTableColumnNode | |
CTableConstraintNode | |
CToken | This is a single token within a string parsed. |
CUpdateColumnNode | |
CUpdateStatementNode | |
CValuesInsertNode | |
►NQuery | |
CBranchQueryPlanNode | A IQueryPlanNode implementation that is a branch with two child nodes. |
CCachePointNode | |
CCompositeNode | A branch node for performing a composite function on two child nodes. |
CConstantSelectNode | The node for evaluating an expression that contains entirely constant values (no variables). |
CContextExtensions | |
CCreateFunctionsNode | The node for merging the child node with a set of new function columns over the entire result. |
CDistinctNode | |
CEquiJoinNode | |
CExhaustiveSelectNode | The node for performing a exhaustive select operation on the child node. |
CExpressionReference | |
►CExpressionReferenceExplorer | |
CReferenceDiscover | |
CFetchTableNode | The node for fetching a table from the current transaction. |
CFetchViewNode | |
CFromTableDirectSource | An implementation of IFromTableSource that wraps around a ObjectName/ITable object. |
CFromTableSubQuerySource | An implementation of IFromTableSource that wraps around a SqlQueryExpression as a sub-query source. |
CGroupNode | |
CIExpressionPlan | |
CIFromTableSource | A single table resource item in a query which handles the behaviour of resolving references to columns as well as providing various base utility methods for resolving general variable names. |
CIQueryPlanner | |
CIQueryPlanNode | A node element of a query plan tree. /summary> |
CIQueryPlanNodeSerializer | |
CIQueryPlanNodeVisitor | |
CITableQueryInfo | |
CIVisitableQueryPlanNode | |
CJoinNode | |
CLeftOuterJoinNode | A branch node for a left outer join. |
CLimitNode | |
CLogicalUnionNode | |
CMarkerNode | A marker node that takes the result of a child and marks it as a name that can later be retrieved. |
CNaturalJoinNode | A branch node for naturally joining two tables together. |
CNonCorrelatedAnyAllNode | |
CPreparedQuerySelectColumns | |
CQueryException | |
►CQueryExpressionExtensions | |
CReferenceDiscovery | |
CSubQueryDiscovery | |
►CQueryExpressionFrom | |
CFromExpressionPreparer | |
CQueryInfo | |
CQueryNodeTableNameVisitor | |
►CQueryPlanner | |
CGroupInfo | |
CQueryExpressionPreparer | |
CVariableReplacer | |
CQueryPlanNodeExtensions | |
CQueryPlanNodeVisitor | |
►CQueryPlanSerializers | |
CCacheNodePointSerializer | |
CCompositeNodeSerializer | |
CConstantSelectNodeSerializer | |
CCreateFunctionNodeSerializer | |
CDistinctNodeSerializer | |
CEquiJoinNodeSerializer | |
CExhaustiveSelectNodeSerializer | |
CFetchTableNodeSerializer | |
CFetchViewNodeSerializer | |
CGroupNodeSerializer | |
CJoinNodeSerializer | |
CLeftOuterJoinNodeSerializer | |
CLimitNodeSerializer | |
CLogicalUnionNodeSerializer | |
CMarkerNodeSerializer | |
CNaturalJoinNodeSerializer | |
CNonCorrelatedAnyAllNodeSerializer | |
CQueryPlanNodeSerializer | |
CQueryPlanNodeSerializerResolver | |
CRageSelectNodeSerializer | |
CSimplePatternSelectNodeSerializer | |
CSimpleSelectNodeSerializer | |
CSingleRowTableNodeSerializer | |
CSortNodeSerializer | |
CSubsetNodeSerializer | |
CQueryReference | |
CQueryReferencesVisitor | |
CQuerySelectColumns | |
►CQueryTablePlanner | |
CComplexSinglePlan | |
CConstantPlan | |
CExhaustiveJoinPlan | |
CExhaustiveSelectPlan | |
CExhaustiveSubQueryPlan | |
CExpressionPlan | |
CSimplePatternPlan | |
CSimpleSelectPlan | |
CSimpleSinglePlan | |
CSimpleSubQueryPlan | |
CSingleColumnPlan | |
CStandardJoinPlan | |
CSubLogicPlan | |
►CRangeSelectNode | The node for performing a simple indexed query on a single column of the child node. |
CRangeSetCalculator | |
CRangeSetUpdater | |
CSimplePatternSelectNode | |
CSimpleSelectNode | The node for performing a simple select operation on a table. |
CSingleQueryPlanNode | A IQueryPlanNode with a single child. |
CSingleRowTableNode | |
CSortNode | |
CSubsetNode | |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
CTableNamesVisitor | |
CTablePlan | |
►CUserSessionExtensions | |
CTableQueryInfo | |
►NSchemas | |
CInformationSchema | |
CQueryContext | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CSchema | |
CSchemaInfo | Describes the properties of a schema in a database system. |
CSchemaManager | |
►NSequences | |
CISequence | Represents a numberic sequence in a transaction. |
CQueryContext | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CSequenceInfo | Provides the meta information about a ISequence configuring its operative behavior. |
►CSequenceManager | A default implementation of a sequence manager that is backed by a given transaction. |
CSequence | |
CSequenceTable | |
CSequenceTableContainer | |
►NStatements | |
CAddColumnAction | |
CAddConstraintAction | |
CAlterTableStatement | |
CAlterTableStatementTests | |
CAlterUserStatement | |
CCloseStatement | |
►CColumnChecker | |
CDefaultChecker | |
CExpressionChecker | |
CCreateSchemaStatement | |
CCreateSequenceStatement | |
►CCreateTableStatement | The statement object used to create a table in a database. |
CPrepared | |
CTableColumnChecker | |
CCreateTableStatementTests | |
CCreateUserStatement | |
CCreateUserStatementTests | |
►CCreateViewStatement | |
CPrepared | |
CCreateViewStatementTests | |
CDeclareCursorStatement | |
CDeclareCursorStatementTests | |
CDeclareVariableStatement | |
CDropColumnAction | |
CDropConstraintAction | |
CDropDefaultAction | |
CDropPrimaryKeyAction | |
CDropSchemaStatement | |
►CDropTableStatement | |
CPrepared | |
CDropTableStatementTests | |
►CDropViewStatement | |
CPrepared | |
CFetchStatement | |
CGrantPrivilegesStatement | |
CGrantRoleStatement | |
CGrantTests | |
CIAlterTableAction | |
CIAlterUserAction | |
CInsertIntoStatementTests | |
►CInsertSelectStatement | |
CPrepared | |
►CInsertStatement | |
CPrepared | |
CIParentExecutable | |
CIPreparableStatement | |
CIStatement | |
CLoopControlStatement | |
COpenStatement | |
COpenStatementTests | |
CPlSqlBlock | |
CPreparationRequiredException | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CRaiseStatement | |
►CSelectIntoStatement | |
CPrepared | |
►CSelectStatement | |
CPrepared | |
CSelectStatementTests | |
CSetAccountStatusAction | |
CSetDefaultAction | |
CSetPasswordAction | |
CSetUserGroupsAction | |
CSetUserStatusStatement | |
CSqlColumnAssignment | |
CSqlStatement | Represents the foundation class of SQL statements to be executed. |
CSqlTableColumn | |
CSqlTableConstraint | |
CStatementCache | A wrapper around a specialized ICache used to store and retrieve parsed SqlStatement objects. |
CStatementException | |
►CStatementExecutor | This class is used to transform an input query to a set of statements and execute them within a given query. |
CQueryPreparer | |
CStatementExtensions | |
CStatementPrepareException | An exception that happens during the SqlStatement.Prepare(IExpressionPreparer, IQueryContext). |
►CUpdateFromCursorStatement | |
CPrepared | |
►CUpdateQueryStatement | |
CPrepared | |
►CUpdateStatement | |
CPrepared | |
CUpdateStatementTests | |
►NTables | |
CBaseDataTable | |
CColumnInfo | Defines the metadata properties of a column within a table of a database. |
CCompositeTable | |
CConstraintDeferrabilityExtensions | |
CConstraintInfo | |
CConstraintViolationException | A database exception that represents a constraint violation. |
CFilterTable | |
►CFunctionTable | |
►CTableGroupResolver | |
CGroupVariableResolver | |
CGeneratedTable | |
CIMutableTable | An interface that defines contracts to alter the contents of a table. |
CIQueryTable | |
CIRootTable | Interface that is implemented by all root tables. |
CITable | Defines the contract to access the data contained into a table of a database. |
CITableContainer | A container for any system tables that are generated from information inside the database engine. |
CITableSource | |
CITableSourceComposite | |
CJoinedTable | |
►CLimitedTable | |
CEnumerator | |
CMutableTableExtensions | |
CNaturallyJoinedTable | |
COuterTable | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryExtensions | |
►CRawTableInfo | |
CRawRowItem | |
CRawTableItem | |
CReferenceTable | |
CRootTable | |
►CRow | A single row in a table of a database. |
CRowVariableResolver | |
CRowId | Defines the value of a ROWID object, that is a unique reference within a database system to a single row. |
CSimpleRowEnumerator | |
CSubsetColumnTable | |
►CTable | |
CTableVariableResolver | |
►CTableInfo | Defines the metadata properties of a table existing within a database. |
CColumnsResolver | |
CTableInternalExtensions | |
CTableManager | |
CTableQueryExtensions | Provides a set of extension methods to ITable and IMutableTable objects. |
►CTableSource | |
►CMinimalTable | |
CRowEnumerator | |
CTypeResolver | |
CTableSourceGC | |
CTemporaryTable | |
CUserContextTable | A wrapper around a table that fires triggers on table events. |
CVersionedTableIndexList | |
CVirtualTable | |
►NTriggers | |
CITableStateHandler | |
CITriggerListener | |
CITriggerManager | |
COldNewTableState | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryExtensions | |
►CSystemContextExtensions | |
CDelegatedTriggerListener | |
CTableEvent | Exposes the context of an event fired on a table. |
CTrigger | Represents an event fired at a given modification event (either INSERT , DELETE or UPDATE ) at a given time (BEFORE or AFTER ). |
CTriggerBody | |
CTriggerEvent | |
CTriggerEventEventTypeExtensions | |
CTriggerEventInfo | An object that defines the arguments of an event, used to find triggers associated. |
CTriggerEventRouter | |
CTriggerException | |
CTriggerInfo | Defines the information about a trigger on a table of the database, such as the event on which is fired and the procedure to execute. |
CTriggerListenTests | |
►CTriggerManager | |
CTriggerArgument | |
►CTriggersTableContainer | |
CTriggerTable | |
CTriggerTests | |
CUserSessionExtensions | |
►NVariables | |
►CContextExtensions | |
CContextVariableResolver | |
CIVariableManager | |
CIVariableScope | |
CPersistentVariableManager | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CRequestExtensions | |
CVariable | |
CVariableInfo | |
CVariableManager | |
CVariableScopeExtensions | |
►NViews | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CView | |
CViewInfo | |
►CViewManager | |
CViewTableContainer | |
CCellId | |
CCreateTableTests | |
CCursorTests | |
CDropTableTests | |
CExceptionHandler | |
CExecutionContext | |
CHandledExceptions | |
CIDbObject | Represents a database object, such as a table, a trigger, a type or a column. |
CIExecutable | |
CIGroupResolver | Defines a contract used by grouping functions to find information about the current group being evaluated. |
CIndexInfo | |
CIndexSetInfo | |
CInsertTests | |
CIObjectInfo | |
CIObjectManager | Defines the contract for the business managers of database objects of a given type. |
CISequenceManager | Manages the sequences within an isolated context. |
CITableVariableResolver | |
CIVariableResolver | An interface to resolve a variable name to a constant object. |
CJoinTableTests | |
CMutableTableTests | |
CObjectName | Describes the name of an object within a database. |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CQueryLimit | |
CQueryParameter | |
CSchemaTypes | |
CSortColumn | Object used to represent a column in the ORDER BY clauses of a select statement. |
CSqlErrorException | |
CSqlModelErrorCodes | Enumerates a known set of codes in a SQL Model |
►CSqlQuery | |
CQueryParameterCollection | |
CSqlQueryExtensions | |
CTableQueryTests | |
CVariableTests | |
►NStore | |
►NJournaled | |
CJournaledFileStoreTests | |
CAreaExtensions | Extension methods to optimize the access to the contents of an IArea of a database store. |
CAreaStream | |
CDataStorageException | |
CDefaultStorageSystemNames | |
CFileStoreData | A data store that is backed by a file located at the path given. |
CFileStream | |
CFixedRecordList | |
CIArea | An interface for access the contents of an area of a store. |
CIFile | |
CIFileSystem | |
CILargeObject | Defines a referenced object that can be accessed on a multi-phase level. |
CInMemoryStorageSystem | |
►CInMemoryStore | An implementation of IStore that persists data in the application memory. |
CInMemoryArea | |
CInMemoryBlock | |
CInvalidObjectIdException | |
CIObjectStore | Defines the contract for stores that handle lrge objects within a database system. |
CIStore | A store is a resource where areas can be allocated and freed to store information (a memory allocator). |
CIStoreData | An interface for low level store data access methods. |
CIStoreDataFactory | A factory that creates instances of IStoreData that are used to access store data blocks. |
CIStoreSystem | An object that creates and manages the IStore objects that the database engine uses to represent itself on an external medium such as a disk, and that constitute the low level persistent data format. |
CLocalFile | |
CLocalFileSystem | |
CObjectId | A unique identifier of an object within a database system, that is composed by a reference to the store it belongs to and the address of the object itself within the store. |
►CObjectStore | |
CLargeObject | |
CObjectStoreExtensions | |
CObjectStream | |
CRecordType | Lists the types of records in a store |
CScatteringFileStoreData | |
CScatteringFileStoreDataFactory | |
CSingleFileStore | |
►CSingleFileStoreSystem | |
CStoreInfo | |
CSingleFileStoreTests | |
CStorageErrorCodes | |
►CStoreBase | |
CStoreArea | An IArea that is backed by a StoreBase. |
CStoreExtensions | |
►NText | |
CIRegexLibrary | An interface that links with a Regex library. |
CISearchEngine | |
CMetaphone | |
CPatternSearch | This is a static class that performs the operations to do a pattern search on a given column of a table. |
CSearchResult | |
CSearchTextRow | Defines a row stored in the search engine index. |
►CSoundex | |
CDefaultSoundex | |
►CSystemCollatorFactory | |
CSystemCollator | |
CSystemRegexLibrary | The default implementation of the system regular expression library. |
►NTransactions | |
CICallbackHandler | |
CILockable | |
CITableEvent | Defines a transaction event whose object is a database table identified. |
CITransaction | The simplest implementation of a transaction. |
CITransactionContext | |
CITransactionEvent | An event that happens within a ITransaction life-cycle. |
CITransactionFactory | Defines the required features to factory transactions within a relational system. |
CLock | |
CLocker | |
CLockHandle | |
CLockingQueue | |
CObjectCreatedEvent | An event fired when a database object of the given type is created during the lifetime of a transaction. |
CObjectDroppedEvent | |
CTableAccessEvent | A table was accessed during the transaction. |
CTableCommitCallback | |
CTableCommitEvent | |
CTableCommitInfo | |
CTableConstraintAlteredEvent | A transaction event that caused the alteration of a constraints in the table given. |
CTableCreatedEvent | A new table was created during a transaction. |
CTableDroppedEvent | |
CTableRowEvent | |
►CTransaction | The system implementation of a transaction model that handles isolated operations within a database context. |
►COldAndNewTableContainer | |
CTriggeredOldNew | |
CTransactionTableContainer | |
CTransactionCollection | |
►CTransactionConstraintExtensions | |
CTableRowVariableResolver | |
CTransactionContext | |
CTransactionContextExtensions | |
CTransactionErrorCodes | |
CTransactionEvent | |
CTransactionException | |
CTransactionExtensions | Provides some convenience extension methods to ITransaction instances. |
CTransactionObjectState | |
CTransactionRegistry | |
CTransactionSettingKeys | |
►CTransactionTable | |
CRowEnumerator | |
►CTransactionWork | |
CCommitTableInfo | A static container class for information collected about a table during the commit cycle. |
►NTypes | |
CArrayType | |
CBinaryType | |
CBooleanType | |
CBooleanTypeTest | |
CColumnType | |
►CContextExtensions | |
CContextTypeResolver | |
CDataTypeMeta | |
CDataTypeParseTests | |
CDateType | |
CIntervalType | |
CISizeableType | |
CITypeResolver | |
CNullType | A data type that represents the NULL value of a given SQL data type. |
CNumericType | |
CPrimitiveTypes | Provides some helper functions for resolving and creating SqlType instances that are primitive to the system. |
CQueryExtensions | |
CQueryType | |
CRowType | |
CSqlType | Defines the properties of a specific SQL Type and handles the values compatible. |
CStringType | |
CStringTypeTests | |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
CTabularType | |
CTypeManager | |
CTypeResolveContext | |
CTypeResolver | |
CTypeSerializer | |
CUserType | |
CUserTypeInfo | |
CUserTypeMember | |
►NUtil | |
CBigArray | |
CByteBuffer | A wrapper for an array of byte. |
CIBigList | |
CProductInfo | |
CProperties | |
CStreamExtensions | |
►NXml | |
CScopeExtensions | |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
CXmlFunctionProvider | |
CXmlFunctions | |
CXmlFunctionsTest | |
CXmlModule | |
CXmlNodeType | |
CXmlTypeResolver | |
CActiveSessionList | Manages all the open sessions towards a single database within as system. |
CBlock | |
CBlockContext | |
CBlockExecuteContext | |
CBooleanObjectTest | |
CCastTest | |
CContext | |
►CContextBasedTest | |
CTestSystemBuilder | |
CContextExtensions | |
CContextNames | |
►CDatabase | The default implementation of a database in a system. |
CDatabaseTransactionFactory | |
CDatabaseContext | |
CDatabaseContextExtensions | |
CDatabaseExtensions | |
CDatabaseSystem | |
CDatabaseSystemException | Exception thrown where various problems occur within the database. |
CDatabaseTests | |
CDataObject | Represents a dynamic object that encapsulates a defined SqlType and a compatible constant ISqlObject value. |
CDataVersionAttribute | |
CGroupOperatorHelper | |
CIBlock | |
CIBlockContext | |
CIContext | |
CIDatabase | The representation of a single database in the system. |
CIDatabaseContext | The context of a single database within a system. |
CIDatabaseCreateCallback | Defines the callback that a IDatabase.Create function calls right before the finalization of the database initial state. |
CIDatabaseHandler | |
CIDatabaseManager | |
CIDatabaseScanner | |
CIQuery | |
CIQueryContext | Provides a context for executing queries, accessing the system resources and evaluation context. |
CIRequest | |
CISession | An isolated session to a given database for a given user, encapsulating the transaction for operations. |
CISessionContext | |
CISystem | |
CISystemContext | The execution context of a database system, that is defining the configurations and the components used to manage databases. |
CISystemModule | |
CModuleInfo | |
CNullObjectTest | |
CNumericObjectTests | |
CObjectNameTest | |
CObjectNotFoundException | |
CPerformanceTest | |
CQuery | |
CQueryContext | |
CQueryContextExtensions | |
CQueryExtensions | |
CQueryTest | |
CRequestExtensions | |
CSequenceManagerTests | |
CSession | This is a session that is constructed around a given user and a transaction, to the given database. |
CSessionContext | |
CSessionExtensions | |
CSingleDatabaseHandler | |
CStringObjectTests | |
CSystemBuilder | |
CSystemContext | This is the context of a database system, that handles the configurations and services used by all the databases managed within this scope. |
CSystemContextExtensions | |
CSystemErrorCodes | |
►CSystemSchema | Provides utilities and properties for handling the SYSTEN schema of a database. |
COpenSessionsTable | |
CPrivilegesTable | |
CProductInfoTable | |
CSessionInfoTable | |
►CSqlTypesTable | |
CSqlTypeInfo | |
CStatisticsTable | |
CTableColumnsTable | |
►CTableInfoTable | |
CTableInfoObject | |
CVariablesTable | |
CSystemSession | |
CSystemTableContainer | |
►CSystemTests | |
CITestService | |
CTestService | |
CTestService2 | |
CTestService3 | |
CTableEventRegistry | |
CTableSourceComposite | |
►CTableStateStore | |
CTableState | |
CTableTypes | Provides the constant names of the types of tables in a database system. |
CUserSessionExtensions | |
▼NDiagnostics | |
CConsoleLogger | |
▼NSystem | |
CNonSerializedAttribute | |
CSerializableAttribute | |