DeveelDB  20151217
complete SQL database system, primarly developed for .NET/Mono frameworks
Deveel.Data.Sql.Parser Namespace Reference


class  AddColumnNode
class  AddConstraintNode
class  AlterColumnNode
class  AlterTableNode
class  AlterUserStatementNode
class  BreakStatementNode
class  CaseSwitchNode
 The node that represents a switch in a CASE expression More...
class  CloseCursorStatementNode
class  ColumnConstraintNode
class  CommitStatementNode
class  CompileErrorCodes
 Constant error codes within the SQL compilation domain. More...
class  ConstraintTypeNames
class  ContinueStatementNode
class  CreateSchemaNode
class  CreateSequenceNode
class  CreateTableNode
class  CreateTriggerNode
class  CreateUserStatementNode
class  CreateViewNode
class  CursorParameterNode
class  DataTypeBuilder
class  DataTypeMetaNode
class  DataTypeNode
 Describes the information of a data type as found in a SQL string. More...
class  DeclareCursorNode
class  DeclareExceptionNode
class  DeclarePragmaNode
class  DeclareVariableNode
class  DropColumnNode
class  DropConstraintNode
class  DropCoulmnNode
class  DropDefaultNode
class  DropPrimaryKeyNode
class  DropSchemaStatementNode
class  DropTableStatementNode
class  DropViewStatementNode
class  ExceptionHandlerNode
class  ExitStatementNode
class  ExpressionBuilder
class  FetchStatementNode
class  FromClauseNode
 The node in an SQL query that defines the sources from which to retrieve the data queried. More...
class  FromQuerySourceNode
 A node in the grammar tree that defines a sub-query in a FROM clause. More...
class  FromTableSourceNode
 Represents the node that is a database table as source of a query. More...
class  GotoStatementNode
class  GrantRoleStatementNode
class  GrantStatementNode
class  GroupByNode
 A node that describes the GROUP BY clause in a SQL query. More...
interface  IAlterActionNode
interface  IAlterUserActionNode
interface  IDeclareNode
class  IdentifiedByPasswordNode
class  IdentifierNode
 This is a simple identifier within a SQL grammar. More...
interface  IExpressionNode
 This interface acts like a marker that indicates if a ISqlNode represents a SQL expression. More...
interface  IFromSourceNode
 Defines the base contract of the source of a query. More...
class  InsertSetNode
class  InsertStatementNode
class  InsertValueNode
class  IntegerLiteralNode
 Encapsulates a number that is any falling in the group of integers. More...
interface  ISqlChildNode
interface  ISqlNode
 Defines the contract for nodes in an AST model for a SQL grammar analysis and parsing. More...
interface  ISqlNodeVisitor
 An interface that allows implementations of the visitor pattern on SQL compiled nodes. More...
interface  ISqlParser
 Implementations of this interface will parse input strings into ISqlNode that can be used to construct objects for interacting with the system. More...
interface  ISqlParserResolver
 An object used to resolve a parser for a specific dialect as configured within the system. More...
interface  ISqlVisitableNode
 An implementation of ISqlNode that accepts visits from a ISqlNodeVisitor More...
interface  IStatementNode
interface  ITableElementNode
interface  IUserIdentificatorNode
class  JoinNode
 A node describing the JOIN between two sources within a query. More...
class  LabelNode
class  LimitNode
class  NumberLiteralNode
 Handles a numeric literal value, belonging to a wider group than integer numbers, spanning from real to decimals. More...
class  ObjectNameNode
 Represents a composed name for an object within the system. More...
class  OpenCursorStatementNode
class  OrderByNode
 Within an SQL query node, this describes the ordering criteria that will be applied when returning the results of the selection. More...
class  PlSqlBlockNode
class  PlSqlBlockTests
class  PlSqlCodeBlockNode
class  PrivilegeNode
class  QueryCompositeNode
 Composes two queries to obtain a set that is the result of a given composition function. More...
class  QueryInsertNode
class  QueryUpdateNode
class  RaiseStatementNode
class  ReturnStatementNode
class  RollbackStatementNode
class  SelectItemNode
 A single item selected within a query node tree. More...
class  SelectStatementNode
class  SequenceOfStatementsNode
class  SetAccountStatusNode
class  SetDefaultNode
class  SetGroupsNode
class  SetInsertNode
class  SetPasswordNode
class  SimpleUpdateNode
class  SqlBetweenExpressionNode
 An SQL BETWEEN expression node that evaluates to true if the Expression given is between MinValue (inclusive) and MaxValue (exclusive). More...
class  SqlBinaryExpressionNode
 Represents an expression that evaluates between two other expressions. More...
class  SqlCaseExpressionNode
 An SQL node describing an in-line CASE conditional expression. More...
class  SqlConstantExpressionNode
 An node that represents a constant value set within a context of an SQL command. More...
class  SqlDataTypeGrammar
class  SqlDefaultParser
class  SqlExpressionGrammar
class  SqlExpressionTupleNode
 An expression containing a set of other expressions. More...
class  SqlFunctionCallExpressionNode
 A node in a SQL command tree that is used to request a function. More...
class  SqlGrammar
class  SqlGrammarBase
class  SqlKeyNode
 Represents a keyword found during the compilation of a source text. More...
class  SqlNode
 The default implementation of ISqlNode, that is a node in the text analysis parsing of SQL commands. More...
class  SqlNodeExtensions
 Extension methods to ISqlNode for diagnostics and other purposes. More...
class  SqlNodeVisitor
 The default implementation of a ISqlNodeVisitor that implements the visitor as a protected accessor. More...
class  SqlParseError
class  SqlParseException
 An error that occurs when compiling a input string into a SQL object. More...
class  SqlParseResult
 The result of a parse of an SQL input More...
class  SqlParserExtensions
 Provides extensions to the ISqlParser interface instances. More...
class  SqlParsers
class  SqlParseTests
class  SqlQueryExpressionNode
 The root node of an expression used to select a set of items from a set of sources defined, given some conditions specified. More...
class  SqlReferenceExpressionNode
 An expression node that references an object within the database context (such as a table, a type, a variable, etc.). More...
class  SqlStatementNode
class  SqlUnaryExpressionNode
 An expression that encapsulates a unary operator for a given operand. More...
class  SqlVariableRefExpressionNode
 References a variable within a SQL execution context. More...
class  StatementBuilder
class  StringLiteralNode
 A node containing a constant literal string passed within an SQL command. More...
class  TableColumnNode
class  TableConstraintNode
class  Token
 This is a single token within a string parsed. More...
class  UpdateColumnNode
class  UpdateStatementNode
class  ValuesInsertNode