DeveelDB  20151217
complete SQL database system, primarly developed for .NET/Mono frameworks
Classes | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Properties | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector:
Deveel.Data.Protocol.IServerConnector Deveel.Data.Protocol.IServerConnector Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector Deveel.Data.Protocol.EmbeddedServerConnector Deveel.Data.Protocol.LocalDatabaseClient.ServerConnector


class  DirectStreamableObjectChannel
class  QueryResponse
class  ServerMessageProcessor
class  TriggerChannel

Public Member Functions

void Dispose ()
abstract ConnectionEndPoint MakeEndPoint (IDictionary< string, object > properties)
ILargeObjectChannel CreateObjectChannel (long objectId)
ITriggerChannel CreateTriggerChannel (string triggerName, string objectName, TriggerEventType eventType)
abstract ConnectionEndPoint MakeEndPoint (IDictionary< string, object > properties)
void Dispose ()

Protected Member Functions

 ServerConnector (IDatabaseHandler databaseHandler)
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
void SetAutoCommit (bool value)
void SetParameterStyle (QueryParameterStyle parameterStyle)
void SetIgnoreIdentifiersCase (bool value)
void ChangeState (ConnectorState newState)
void OpenConnector (ConnectionEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string databaseName)
virtual void OnConnectorOpen ()
void CloseConnector ()
virtual void OnCloseConnector ()
virtual EncryptionData GetEncryptionData ()
virtual bool Authenticate (string defaultSchema, string username, string password)
virtual bool OnAuthenticated (User user)
IQueryResponse[] ExecuteQuery (long commitId, string text, IEnumerable< QueryParameter > parameters)
virtual IQueryResponse[] ExecuteQuery (IQuery context, string text, IEnumerable< QueryParameter > parameters)
IQueryResponse[] CoreExecuteQuery (IQuery context, string text, IEnumerable< QueryParameter > parameters)
int BeginTransaction ()
abstract IServerMessageEnvelope CreateEnvelope (IDictionary< string, object > metadata, IMessage message)
virtual IMessage GetMessage (IMessageEnvelope envelope)
void CommitTransaction (int commitId)
void RollbackTransaction (int commitId)
QueryResultPart GetResultPart (int resultId, int startRow, int countRows)
QueryResult GetResult (int resultId)
 ServerConnector (IDatabaseHandler handler)
void ChangeState (ConnectorState newState)
void OpenConnector (ConnectionEndPoint remoteEndPoint, string databaseName)
virtual void OnConnectorOpen ()
void SetAutoCommit (bool state)
void SetIgnoreIdentifiersCase (bool state)
void SetParameterStyle (ParameterStyle style)
void CloseConnector ()
virtual void OnCloseConnector ()
virtual EncryptionData GetEncryptionData ()
virtual AuthenticatedSession OnAuthenticate (string defaultSchema, string username, string password)
virtual void OnTriggerFired (string triggerName, string triggerSource, TriggerEventType eventType, int count)
int BeginTransaction ()
virtual bool Authenticate (string defaultSchema, string username, string password)
long CreateStreamableObject (ReferenceType referenceType, long length)
IQueryResponse[] CoreExecuteQuery (string text, IEnumerable< SqlQueryParameter > parameters)
virtual IQueryResponse[] ExecuteQuery (string text, IEnumerable< SqlQueryParameter > parameters)
QueryResultPart GetResultPart (int resultId, int startRow, int countRows)
void DisposeResult (int resultId)
void CommitTransaction (int transactionId)
void RollbackTransaction (int transactionId)
abstract IServerMessageEnvelope CreateEnvelope (IDictionary< string, object > metadata, IMessage message)
virtual IMessage GetMessage (IMessageEnvelope envelope)
virtual IStreamableObjectChannel CreateObjectChannel (long objectId)
virtual ITriggerChannel CreateTriggerChannel (string triggerName, string objectName, TriggerEventType eventType)
virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)


IDatabaseHandler DatabaseHandler [get, private set]
IDatabase Database [get, private set]
abstract ConnectionEndPoint LocalEndPoint [get]
ConnectionEndPoint RemoteEndPoint [get, private set]
User User [get, private set]
IDictionary< string, object > Metadata [get, private set]
ConnectorState CurrentState [get, private set]
AuthenticatedSession Session [get, protected set]
ILogger Logger [get]
- Properties inherited from Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector
ConnectorState CurrentState [get]
ConnectionEndPoint LocalEndPoint [get]

Private Member Functions

 ~ServerConnector ()
void AssertNotDisposed ()
void AssertAuthenticated ()
void ClearResults ()
IQuery OpenQueryContext (long commitId)
IQuery CreateQueryContext ()
void DisposeResult (int resultId)
int AddResult (QueryResult result)
IMessageProcessor IConnector. CreateProcessor ()
IMessageEnvelope IConnector. CreateEnvelope (IDictionary< string, object > metadata, IMessage message)
ObjectId CreateLargeObject (long objectLength)
void AssertNotDisposed ()
void AssertAuthenticated ()
IRef GetObjectRef (long objectId)
int AddResult (QueryResult result)
QueryResult GetResult (int resultId)
void ClearResults ()
IMessageProcessor IConnector. CreateProcessor ()
IMessageEnvelope IConnector. CreateEnvelope (IDictionary< string, object > metadata, IMessage message)
IStreamableObjectChannel IConnector. CreateObjectChannel (long objectId)
void DisposeChannel (long objId)
IRef CompleteStream (long objId)
ITriggerChannel IConnector. CreateTriggerChannel (string triggerName, string objectName, TriggerEventType eventType)
void DisposeTriggerChannel (long id)

Private Attributes

bool autoCommit
QueryParameterStyle parameterStyle
bool ignoreIdentifiersCase
Dictionary< int, QueryResultresultMap
int uniqueResultId
readonly Dictionary< long, IRef > blobIdMap
ParameterStyle parameterStyle
int triggerId
Dictionary< int, TriggerChanneltriggerChannels
readonly object triggerLock = new object()
readonly Dictionary< int, QueryResultresultMap

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file ServerConnector.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ServerConnector ( IDatabaseHandler  databaseHandler)

Definition at line 39 of file ServerConnector.cs.

39  {
40  DatabaseHandler = databaseHandler;
42  resultMap = new Dictionary<int, QueryResult>();
43  uniqueResultId = -1;
44  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.~ServerConnector ( )

Definition at line 46 of file ServerConnector.cs.

46  {
47  Dispose(false);
48  }
Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ServerConnector ( IDatabaseHandler  handler)

Definition at line 41 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

41  {
42  if (handler == null)
43  throw new ArgumentNullException("handler");
45  DatabaseHandler = handler;
46  resultMap = new Dictionary<int, QueryResult>();
47  blobIdMap = new Dictionary<long, IRef>();
48  uniqueResultId = 1;
49  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
readonly Dictionary< long, IRef > blobIdMap

Member Function Documentation

int Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.AddResult ( QueryResult  result)

Definition at line 367 of file ServerConnector.cs.

367  {
368  result.LockRoot();
370  int resultId;
372  lock (resultMap) {
373  resultId = ++uniqueResultId;
374  resultMap[resultId] = result;
375  }
377  return resultId;
378  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
int Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.AddResult ( QueryResult  result)

Definition at line 410 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

410  {
411  // Lock the roots of the result set.
412  result.LockRoot(-1); // -1 because lock_key not implemented
414  // Make a new result id
415  int resultId;
416  // This ensures this block can handle concurrent updates.
417  lock (resultMap) {
418  resultId = ++uniqueResultId;
419  // Add the result to the map.
420  resultMap[resultId] = result;
421  }
423  return resultId;
424  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.AssertAuthenticated ( )

Definition at line 77 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

77  {
78  if (CurrentState != ConnectorState.Authenticated)
79  throw new InvalidOperationException("The connector is not authenticated.");
80  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.AssertAuthenticated ( )

Definition at line 85 of file ServerConnector.cs.

85  {
86  if (CurrentState != ConnectorState.Authenticated)
87  throw new InvalidOperationException("The connector is not authenticated.");
89  if (User == null)
90  throw new InvalidOperationException("The connector is authenticated but no user is set.");
91  }
Provides the information for a user in a database system
Definition: User.cs:27
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.AssertNotDisposed ( )

Definition at line 72 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

72  {
73  if (CurrentState == ConnectorState.Disposed)
74  throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);
75  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.AssertNotDisposed ( )

Definition at line 80 of file ServerConnector.cs.

80  {
81  if (CurrentState == ConnectorState.Disposed)
82  throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName);
83  }
virtual bool Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Authenticate ( string  defaultSchema,
string  username,
string  password 

Definition at line 158 of file ServerConnector.cs.

158  {
159  if (CurrentState == ConnectorState.Authenticated)
160  throw new InvalidOperationException("Already authenticated.");
162  // TODO: get the default schema from server configuration
163  if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultSchema))
164  defaultSchema = "SA";
166  // TODO: Log a debug information
168  // TODO: Log an information about the logging user...
170  try {
171  var user = Database.Authenticate(username, password);
172  if (user == null)
173  return false;
175  if (!OnAuthenticated(user))
176  return false;
178  User = user;
180  // TODO: Accept more connection settings and store them here...
181  Metadata = new Dictionary<string, object> {
182  { "IgnoreIdentifiersCase", ignoreIdentifiersCase },
183  { "ParameterStyle", parameterStyle },
184  { "DefaultSchema", defaultSchema }
185  };
187  ChangeState(ConnectorState.Authenticated);
189  return true;
190  } catch (Exception) {
191  // TODO: throw server error
192  throw;
193  }
194  }
A long string in the system.
virtual bool OnAuthenticated(User user)
IDictionary< string, object > Metadata
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
Provides the information for a user in a database system
Definition: User.cs:27
virtual bool Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Authenticate ( string  defaultSchema,
string  username,
string  password 

Definition at line 199 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

199  {
200  if (CurrentState == ConnectorState.Authenticated &&
201  Session != null)
202  throw new InvalidOperationException("Already authenticated.");
204  if (Logger.IsInterestedIn(LogLevel.Debug)) {
205  // Output the instruction to the _queries log.
206  Logger.DebugFormat(this, "[CLIENT] [{0}] - Log in", username);
207  }
209  if (Logger.IsInterestedIn(LogLevel.Info)) {
210  Logger.InfoFormat(this, "Authenticate User: {0}", username);
211  }
213  try {
214  Session = OnAuthenticate(defaultSchema, username, password);
215  if (Session == null)
216  return false;
218  Session.Connection.AutoCommit = autoCommit;
219  Session.Connection.IsInCaseInsensitiveMode = ignoreIdentifiersCase;
220  Session.Connection.ParameterStyle = parameterStyle;
222  ChangeState(ConnectorState.Authenticated);
224  return true;
225  } catch (Exception e) {
226  // TODO: throw server error
227  throw;
228  }
229  }
The level listened by a diagnostic logger
Definition: LogLevel.cs:23
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
virtual AuthenticatedSession OnAuthenticate(string defaultSchema, string username, string password)
int Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.BeginTransaction ( )

Definition at line 189 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

189  {
192  // TODO: In a future version, we will provide multiple transactions.
193  // for the moment we only set the current connection not to auto-commit
194  // that will require an explicit commit.
195  Session.Connection.AutoCommit = false;
196  return -1;
197  }
int Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.BeginTransaction ( )

Definition at line 380 of file ServerConnector.cs.

380  {
383  var transaction = Database.CreateTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);
384  if (transaction == null)
385  throw new InvalidOperationException();
387  return transaction.CommitId;
388  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ChangeState ( ConnectorState  newState)

Definition at line 82 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

82  {
84  CurrentState = newState;
85  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ChangeState ( ConnectorState  newState)

Definition at line 116 of file ServerConnector.cs.

116  {
118  CurrentState = newState;
119  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ClearResults ( )

Definition at line 105 of file ServerConnector.cs.

105  {
106  lock (resultMap) {
107  foreach (var result in resultMap.Values) {
108  if (result != null)
109  result.Dispose();
110  }
112  resultMap.Clear();
113  }
114  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ClearResults ( )

Definition at line 493 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

493  {
494  List<int> keys;
495  lock (resultMap) {
496  keys = new List<int>(resultMap.Keys);
497  }
499  foreach (int resultId in keys) {
500  DisposeResult(resultId);
501  }
502  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CloseConnector ( )

Definition at line 121 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

121  {
122  try {
124  } catch (Exception ex) {
125  Logger.Error(this, "Error when closing the connector.");
126  Logger.Error(this, ex);
127  } finally {
128  ChangeState(ConnectorState.Closed);
129  }
130  }
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CloseConnector ( )

Definition at line 141 of file ServerConnector.cs.

141  {
142  try {
144  } catch (Exception) {
145  // TODO: log the exception
146  } finally {
147  ChangeState(ConnectorState.Closed);
148  }
149  }
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CommitTransaction ( int  commitId)

Definition at line 418 of file ServerConnector.cs.

418  {
421  var transaction = Database.TransactionFactory.OpenTransactions.FindById(commitId);
422  if (transaction == null)
423  throw new InvalidOperationException();
425  using (var session = new Session(transaction, User)) {
426  session.Commit();
427  }
428  }
ITransactionFactory TransactionFactory
Gets an object that is used to create new transactions to this database
Definition: IDatabase.cs:56
Provides the information for a user in a database system
Definition: User.cs:27
TransactionCollection OpenTransactions
Gets the collection of currently open transactions.
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CommitTransaction ( int  transactionId)

Definition at line 504 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

504  {
507  try {
508  Session.Connection.Commit();
509  } finally {
510  Session.Connection.AutoCommit = autoCommit;
511  }
512  }
IRef Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CompleteStream ( long  objId)

Definition at line 563 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

563  {
564  lock (blobIdMap) {
565  var objRef = GetObjectRef(objId);
566  if (objRef == null)
567  throw new InvalidOperationException();
569  blobIdMap.Remove(objId);
570  objRef.Complete();
571  return objRef;
572  }
573  }
readonly Dictionary< long, IRef > blobIdMap
IQueryResponse [] Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CoreExecuteQuery ( string  text,
IEnumerable< SqlQueryParameter >  parameters 

Definition at line 257 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

257  {
258  // Record the Query start time
259  DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
261  // Where Query result eventually resides.
262  int resultId = -1;
264  // For each StreamableObject in the query object, translate it to a
265  // IRef object that presumably has been pre-pushed onto the server from
266  // the client.
268  // Evaluate the sql Query.
269  var query = new SqlQuery(text);
270  if (parameters != null) {
271  foreach (var parameter in parameters) {
272  var preparedParam = parameter.Value;
273  if (preparedParam is StreamableObject) {
274  var obj = (StreamableObject) preparedParam;
275  IRef objRef = CompleteStream(obj.Identifier);
276  preparedParam = objRef;
277  }
278  query.Parameters.Add(new SqlQueryParameter(parameter.Name, preparedParam));
279  }
280  }
282  Table[] results = SqlQueryExecutor.Execute(Session.Connection, query);
283  var responses = new IQueryResponse[results.Length];
284  int j = 0;
286  foreach (Table result in results) {
287  QueryResult queryResult;
288  try {
289  // Put the result in the result cache... This will Lock this object
290  // until it is removed from the result set cache. Returns an id that
291  // uniquely identifies this result set in future communication.
292  // NOTE: This locks the roots of the table so that its contents
293  // may not be altered.
294  queryResult = new QueryResult(query, result);
295  resultId = AddResult(queryResult);
296  } catch (Exception e) {
297  // If resultId set, then dispose the result set.
298  if (resultId != -1)
299  DisposeResult(resultId);
301  throw;
302  }
304  // The time it took the Query to execute.
305  TimeSpan taken = DateTime.Now - startTime;
307  // Return the Query response
308  responses[j] = new QueryResponse(resultId, queryResult, (int) taken.TotalMilliseconds, "");
309  j++;
310  }
312  return responses;
313  }
A TABLE object in a database.
IQueryResponse [] Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CoreExecuteQuery ( IQuery  context,
string  text,
IEnumerable< QueryParameter parameters 

Definition at line 307 of file ServerConnector.cs.

307  {
308  // Where Query result eventually resides.
309  int resultId = -1;
311  // For each StreamableObject in the query object, translate it to a
312  // IRef object that presumably has been pre-pushed onto the server from
313  // the client.
315  // Evaluate the sql Query.
316  var query = new SqlQuery(text);
317  if (parameters != null) {
318  // TODO: Download the Large-Objects and replace with a reference
319  }
321  var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
322  stopwatch.Start();
324  var results = context.ExecuteQuery(query);
325  var responses = new IQueryResponse[results.Length];
326  int j = 0;
328  foreach (var result in results) {
329  QueryResult queryResult;
330  try {
331  queryResult = new QueryResult(query, result);
332  resultId = AddResult(queryResult);
333  } catch (Exception) {
334  if (resultId != -1)
335  DisposeResult(resultId);
337  throw;
338  }
340  var taken = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
342  // Return the Query response
343  responses[j] = new QueryResponse(resultId, queryResult, (int)taken, "");
345  j++;
346  }
348  stopwatch.Stop();
349  return responses;
350  }
abstract IServerMessageEnvelope Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateEnvelope ( IDictionary< string, object >  metadata,
IMessage  message 
protectedpure virtual
IMessageEnvelope IConnector. Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateEnvelope ( IDictionary< string, object >  metadata,
IMessage  message 

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 396 of file ServerConnector.cs.

396  {
397  return CreateEnvelope(metadata, message);
398  }
abstract IServerMessageEnvelope CreateEnvelope(IDictionary< string, object > metadata, IMessage message)
abstract IServerMessageEnvelope Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateEnvelope ( IDictionary< string, object >  metadata,
IMessage  message 
protectedpure virtual
IMessageEnvelope IConnector. Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateEnvelope ( IDictionary< string, object >  metadata,
IMessage  message 

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 532 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

532  {
533  return CreateEnvelope(metadata, message);
534  }
abstract IServerMessageEnvelope CreateEnvelope(IDictionary< string, object > metadata, IMessage message)
ObjectId Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateLargeObject ( long  objectLength)

Definition at line 496 of file ServerConnector.cs.

496  {
497  throw new NotImplementedException();
498  }
ILargeObjectChannel Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateObjectChannel ( long  objectId)

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 401 of file ServerConnector.cs.

401  {
402  throw new NotImplementedException();
403  }
IStreamableObjectChannel IConnector. Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateObjectChannel ( long  objectId)

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 545 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

545  {
546  return CreateObjectChannel(objectId);
547  }
ILargeObjectChannel CreateObjectChannel(long objectId)
virtual IStreamableObjectChannel Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateObjectChannel ( long  objectId)

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 549 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

549  {
550  var obj = GetObjectRef(objectId);
551  if (obj == null)
552  throw new InvalidOperationException("The object was not created or was not found.");
554  return new DirectStreamableObjectChannel(this, obj);
555  }
IMessageProcessor IConnector. Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateProcessor ( )

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 390 of file ServerConnector.cs.

390  {
391  return new ServerMessageProcessor(this);
392  }
IMessageProcessor IConnector. Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateProcessor ( )

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 526 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

526  {
527  return new ServerMessageProcessor(this);
528  }
IQuery Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateQueryContext ( )

Definition at line 246 of file ServerConnector.cs.

246  {
247  // TODO: make the isolation level configurable...
248  var transaction = Database.CreateTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);
249  var session = new Session(transaction, User);
250  session.AutoCommit(true);
251  return session.CreateQuery();
252  }
Provides the information for a user in a database system
Definition: User.cs:27
long Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateStreamableObject ( ReferenceType  referenceType,
long  length 

Definition at line 231 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

231  {
232  lock (blobIdMap) {
233  try {
234  var obj = Session.Connection.CreateLargeObject(referenceType, length);
235  blobIdMap[obj.Id] = obj;
236  return obj.Id;
237  } catch (Exception ex) {
238  Logger.ErrorFormat(this, "A request to create an object of type {0} with length {1} caused and error.", referenceType, length);
239  Logger.Error(this, ex);
240  throw;
241  }
242  }
243  }
readonly Dictionary< long, IRef > blobIdMap
ITriggerChannel Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateTriggerChannel ( string  triggerName,
string  objectName,
TriggerEventType  eventType 

Implements Deveel.Data.Protocol.IConnector.

Definition at line 405 of file ServerConnector.cs.

405  {
406  throw new NotImplementedException();
407  }
ITriggerChannel IConnector. Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateTriggerChannel ( string  triggerName,
string  objectName,
TriggerEventType  eventType 

Definition at line 575 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

575  {
576  return CreateTriggerChannel(triggerName, objectName, eventType);
577  }
ITriggerChannel CreateTriggerChannel(string triggerName, string objectName, TriggerEventType eventType)
virtual ITriggerChannel Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CreateTriggerChannel ( string  triggerName,
string  objectName,
TriggerEventType  eventType 

Definition at line 579 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

579  {
582  lock (triggerLock) {
583  if (triggerChannels == null)
584  triggerChannels = new Dictionary<int, TriggerChannel>();
586  foreach (TriggerChannel channel in triggerChannels.Values) {
587  // If there's an open channel for the trigger return it
588  if (channel.ShouldNotify(triggerName, objectName, eventType))
589  return channel;
590  }
592  int id = ++triggerId;
593  var newChannel = new TriggerChannel(this, id, triggerName, objectName, eventType);
594  triggerChannels[id] = newChannel;
595  return newChannel;
596  }
597  }
Dictionary< int, TriggerChannel > triggerChannels
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Dispose ( )

Definition at line 54 of file ServerConnector.cs.

54  {
55  GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
56  Dispose(true);
57  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Dispose ( bool  disposing)

Reimplemented in Deveel.Data.Protocol.LocalDatabaseClient.ServerConnector.

Definition at line 59 of file ServerConnector.cs.

59  {
60  if (disposing) {
61  ClearResults();
62  }
64  Database = null;
65  DatabaseHandler = null;
67  ChangeState(ConnectorState.Disposed);
68  }
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Dispose ( )

Definition at line 599 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

599  {
600  Dispose(true);
601  GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
602  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Dispose ( bool  disposing)

Reimplemented in Deveel.Data.Protocol.LocalDatabaseClient.ServerConnector.

Definition at line 604 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

604  {
605  if (disposing) {
606  // Clear the result set mapping
607  ClearResults();
609  if (Session != null)
610  Session.Dispose();
611  }
613  ChangeState(ConnectorState.Disposed);
614  }
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.DisposeChannel ( long  objId)

Definition at line 557 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

557  {
558  lock (blobIdMap) {
559  blobIdMap.Remove(objId);
560  }
561  }
readonly Dictionary< long, IRef > blobIdMap
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.DisposeResult ( int  resultId)

Definition at line 352 of file ServerConnector.cs.

352  {
353  // Remove this entry.
354  QueryResult result;
355  lock (resultMap) {
356  if (resultMap.TryGetValue(resultId, out result))
357  resultMap.Remove(resultId);
358  }
360  if (result != null) {
361  result.Dispose();
362  } else {
363  // TODO: Log an error ...
364  }
365  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.DisposeResult ( int  resultId)

Definition at line 479 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

479  {
480  // Remove this entry.
481  QueryResult result;
482  lock (resultMap) {
483  if (resultMap.TryGetValue(resultId, out result))
484  resultMap.Remove(resultId);
485  }
486  if (result != null) {
487  result.Dispose();
488  } else {
489  Logger.Error(this, "Attempt to dispose invalid 'resultId'.");
490  }
491  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.DisposeTriggerChannel ( long  id)

Definition at line 966 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

966  {
967  throw new NotImplementedException();
968  }
IQueryResponse [] Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ExecuteQuery ( long  commitId,
string  text,
IEnumerable< QueryParameter parameters 

Definition at line 254 of file ServerConnector.cs.

254  {
257  IQuery queryContext;
258  if (commitId > 0) {
259  queryContext = OpenQueryContext(commitId);
260  } else {
261  queryContext = CreateQueryContext();
262  }
264  return ExecuteQuery(queryContext, text, parameters);
265  }
IQueryResponse[] ExecuteQuery(long commitId, string text, IEnumerable< QueryParameter > parameters)
IQuery OpenQueryContext(long commitId)
virtual IQueryResponse [] Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ExecuteQuery ( IQuery  context,
string  text,
IEnumerable< QueryParameter parameters 

Definition at line 267 of file ServerConnector.cs.

267  {
268  // TODO: Log a debug message..
270  IQueryResponse[] response = null;
272  try {
273  // Execute the Query (behaviour for this comes from super).
274  response = CoreExecuteQuery(context, text, parameters);
276  // Return the result.
277  return response;
278  } finally {
279  // This always happens after tables are unlocked.
280  // Also guarenteed to happen even if something fails.
282  // If we are in auto-commit mode then commit the Query here.
283  // Do we auto-commit?
284  if (context.AutoCommit()) {
285  // If an error occured then roll-back
286  if (response == null) {
287  // Rollback.
288  context.Rollback();
289  } else {
290  try {
291  // Otherwise commit.
292  context.Commit();
293  } catch (Exception) {
294  foreach (IQueryResponse queryResponse in response) {
295  // Dispose this response if the commit failed.
296  DisposeResult(queryResponse.ResultId);
297  }
299  // And throw the SQL Exception
300  throw;
301  }
302  }
303  }
304  }
305  }
IQueryResponse[] CoreExecuteQuery(IQuery context, string text, IEnumerable< QueryParameter > parameters)
virtual IQueryResponse [] Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ExecuteQuery ( string  text,
IEnumerable< SqlQueryParameter >  parameters 

Definition at line 315 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

315  {
316  // Log this Query if Query logging is enabled
317  if (Logger.IsInterestedIn(LogLevel.Debug)) {
318  // Output the instruction to the _queries log.
319  Logger.DebugFormat(this, "[CLIENT] [{0}] - Query: {1}", Session.User.UserName, text);
320  }
322  // Write debug message (Info level)
323  if (Logger.IsInterestedIn(LogLevel.Debug)) {
324  Logger.DebugFormat(this, "Query From User: {0}", Session.User.UserName);
325  Logger.DebugFormat(this, "Query: {0}", text.Trim());
326  }
328  // Get the locking mechanism.
329  LockingMechanism locker = Session.Connection.LockingMechanism;
330  LockingMode lockMode = LockingMode.None;
331  IQueryResponse[] response = null;
333  try {
334  try {
335  // For simplicity - all database locking is now exclusive inside
336  // a transaction. This means it is not possible to execute
337  // queries concurrently inside a transaction. However, we are
338  // still able to execute queries concurrently from different
339  // connections.
340  //
341  // It's debatable whether we even need to perform this Lock anymore
342  // because we could change the contract of this method so that
343  // it is not thread safe. This would require that the callee ensures
344  // more than one thread can not execute queries on the connection.
345  lockMode = LockingMode.Exclusive;
346  locker.SetMode(lockMode);
348  // Execute the Query (behaviour for this comes from super).
349  response = CoreExecuteQuery(text, parameters);
351  // Return the result.
352  return response;
354  } finally {
355  try {
356  // This is executed no matter what happens. Very important we
357  // unlock the tables.
358  if (lockMode != LockingMode.None) {
359  locker.FinishMode(lockMode);
360  }
361  } catch (Exception e) {
362  // If this throws an exception, we should output it to the debug
363  // log and screen.
364  Logger.Error(this, "Exception finishing locks");
365  Logger.Error(this, e);
366  // Note, we can't throw an error here because we may already be in
367  // an exception that happened in the above 'try' block.
368  }
369  }
370  } finally {
371  // This always happens after tables are unlocked.
372  // Also guarenteed to happen even if something fails.
374  // If we are in auto-commit mode then commit the Query here.
375  // Do we auto-commit?
376  if (Session.Connection.AutoCommit) {
377  // Yes, so grab an exclusive Lock and auto-commit.
378  try {
379  // Lock into exclusive mode.
380  locker.SetMode(LockingMode.Exclusive);
381  // If an error occured then roll-back
382  if (response == null) {
383  // Rollback.
384  Session.Connection.Rollback();
385  } else {
386  try {
387  // Otherwise commit.
388  Session.Connection.Commit();
389  } catch (Exception e) {
390  foreach (IQueryResponse queryResponse in response) {
391  // Dispose this response if the commit failed.
392  DisposeResult(queryResponse.ResultId);
393  }
395  // And throw the SQL Exception
396  throw;
397  }
398  }
399  } finally {
400  locker.FinishMode(LockingMode.Exclusive);
401  }
402  }
403  }
404  }
The mode applied to a lock over a resource during a transaction.
Definition: LockingMode.cs:24
The level listened by a diagnostic logger
Definition: LogLevel.cs:23
IQueryResponse[] CoreExecuteQuery(IQuery context, string text, IEnumerable< QueryParameter > parameters)
virtual EncryptionData Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetEncryptionData ( )

Definition at line 136 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

136  {
137  return null;
138  }
virtual EncryptionData Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetEncryptionData ( )

Definition at line 154 of file ServerConnector.cs.

154  {
155  return null;
156  }
virtual IMessage Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetMessage ( IMessageEnvelope  envelope)

Definition at line 409 of file ServerConnector.cs.

409  {
410  if (envelope == null)
411  return null;
413  // TODO: handle errors? it's not supposed the client to send errors to the server ...
415  return envelope.Message;
416  }
virtual IMessage Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetMessage ( IMessageEnvelope  envelope)

Definition at line 536 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

536  {
537  if (envelope == null)
538  return null;
540  // TODO: handle errors? it's not supposed the client to send errors to the server ...
542  return envelope.Message;
543  }
IRef Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetObjectRef ( long  objectId)

Definition at line 245 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

245  {
246  lock (blobIdMap) {
247  IRef obj;
248  if (!blobIdMap.TryGetValue(objectId, out obj)) {
249  obj = Session.Connection.GetLargeObject(objectId);
250  blobIdMap[objectId] = obj;
251  }
253  return obj;
254  }
255  }
readonly Dictionary< long, IRef > blobIdMap
QueryResult Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetResult ( int  resultId)

Definition at line 426 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

426  {
427  lock (resultMap) {
428  QueryResult result;
429  return resultMap.TryGetValue(resultId, out result) ? result : null;
430  }
431  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
QueryResult Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetResult ( int  resultId)

Definition at line 486 of file ServerConnector.cs.

486  {
487  lock (resultMap) {
488  QueryResult result;
489  if (!resultMap.TryGetValue(resultId, out result))
490  return null;
492  return result;
493  }
494  }
Dictionary< int, QueryResult > resultMap
QueryResultPart Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetResultPart ( int  resultId,
int  startRow,
int  countRows 

Definition at line 433 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

433  {
436  QueryResult table = GetResult(resultId);
437  if (table == null)
438  throw new DatabaseException("'resultId' invalid.");
440  int rowEnd = startRow + countRows;
442  if (startRow < 0 || startRow >= table.RowCount ||
443  rowEnd > table.RowCount) {
444  throw new DatabaseException("Result part out of range.");
445  }
447  try {
448  int colCount = table.ColumnCount;
449  var block = new QueryResultPart(colCount);
450  for (int r = startRow; r < rowEnd; ++r) {
451  var row = new object[colCount];
452  for (int c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
453  TObject value = table.GetCellContents(c, r);
455  // If this is a IRef, we must assign it a streamable object
456  // id that the client can use to access the large object.
457  object clientOb;
458  if (value.Object is IRef) {
459  var reference = (IRef) value.Object;
460  clientOb = new StreamableObject(reference.Type, reference.RawSize, reference.Id);
461  } else {
462  clientOb = value.Object;
463  }
465  row[c] = clientOb;
466  }
468  block.AddRow(row);
469  }
470  return block;
471  } catch (Exception e) {
472  Logger.Warning(this, e);
473  // If an exception was generated while getting the cell contents, then
474  // throw an DataException.
475  throw new DatabaseException("Exception while reading results: " + e.Message, e);
476  }
477  }
QueryResult GetResult(int resultId)
QueryResultPart Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.GetResultPart ( int  resultId,
int  startRow,
int  countRows 

Definition at line 442 of file ServerConnector.cs.

442  {
445  var table = GetResult(resultId);
446  if (table == null)
447  throw new InvalidOperationException();
449  int rowEnd = startRow + countRows;
451  if (startRow < 0 || startRow >= table.RowCount || rowEnd > table.RowCount) {
452  throw new InvalidOperationException("Result part out of range.");
453  }
455  try {
456  int colCount = table.ColumnCount;
457  var block = new QueryResultPart(colCount);
458  for (int r = startRow; r < rowEnd; ++r) {
459  var row = new ISqlObject[colCount];
460  var sizes = new int[colCount];
462  for (int c = 0; c < colCount; ++c) {
463  var value = table.GetValue(r, c);
465  ISqlObject clientOb = null;
466  if (value.Value is IObjectRef) {
467  var reference = (IObjectRef)value.Value;
468  // TODO: Make a protocol placeholder for the large object ref
469  } else {
470  clientOb = value.Value;
471  }
473  row[c] = clientOb;
474  sizes[c] = value.Size;
475  }
477  block.AddRow(new QueryResultRow(row, sizes));
478  }
479  return block;
480  } catch (Exception) {
481  // TODO: Log a warning ...
482  throw;
483  }
484  }
Defines the contract for a valid SQL Object
Definition: ISqlObject.cs:23
QueryResult GetResult(int resultId)
abstract ConnectionEndPoint Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.MakeEndPoint ( IDictionary< string, object >  properties)
pure virtual
abstract ConnectionEndPoint Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.MakeEndPoint ( IDictionary< string, object >  properties)
pure virtual
virtual AuthenticatedSession Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnAuthenticate ( string  defaultSchema,
string  username,
string  password 

Definition at line 140 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

140  {
141  var user = Database.AuthenticateUser(username, password, RemoteEndPoint);
143  if (user == null)
144  return null;
146  IDatabaseConnection connection = Database.CreateNewConnection(user, OnTriggerFired);
148  // Put the connection in exclusive mode
149  LockingMechanism locker = connection.LockingMechanism;
150  locker.SetMode(LockingMode.Exclusive);
152  try {
153  // By default, connections are auto-commit
154  connection.AutoCommit = true;
156  // Set the default schema for this connection if it exists
157  if (connection.SchemaExists(defaultSchema)) {
158  connection.SetDefaultSchema(defaultSchema);
159  } else {
160  Logger.WarningFormat(this, "Couldn't change to '{0}' schema.", defaultSchema);
162  // If we can't change to the schema then change to the APP schema
163  connection.SetDefaultSchema(ConfigDefaultValues.DefaultSchema);
164  }
165  } finally {
166  try {
167  connection.Commit();
168  } catch (TransactionException e) {
169  // Just issue a warning...
170  Logger.Warning(this, e);
171  } finally {
172  // Guarentee that we unluck from EXCLUSIVE
173  locker.FinishMode(LockingMode.Exclusive);
174  }
175  }
177  return new AuthenticatedSession(user, connection);
178  }
The mode applied to a lock over a resource during a transaction.
Definition: LockingMode.cs:24
virtual void OnTriggerFired(string triggerName, string triggerSource, TriggerEventType eventType, int count)
virtual bool Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnAuthenticated ( User  user)

Definition at line 196 of file ServerConnector.cs.

196  {
197  return true;
198  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnCloseConnector ( )

Definition at line 132 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

132  {
134  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnCloseConnector ( )

Definition at line 151 of file ServerConnector.cs.

151  {
152  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnConnectorOpen ( )

Definition at line 103 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

103  {
104  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnConnectorOpen ( )

Definition at line 136 of file ServerConnector.cs.

136  {
137  }
virtual void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OnTriggerFired ( string  triggerName,
string  triggerSource,
TriggerEventType  eventType,
int  count 

Definition at line 180 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

180  {
181  lock (triggerChannels) {
182  foreach (var channel in triggerChannels.Values) {
183  if (channel.ShouldNotify(triggerName, triggerSource, eventType))
184  channel.Notify(triggerName, triggerSource, eventType, count);
185  }
186  }
187  }
Dictionary< int, TriggerChannel > triggerChannels
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OpenConnector ( ConnectionEndPoint  remoteEndPoint,
string  databaseName 

Definition at line 87 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

87  {
88  try {
89  RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
90  Database = DatabaseHandler.GetDatabase(databaseName);
91  if (Database == null)
92  throw new DatabaseException();
96  } catch (Exception ex) {
97  Logger.Error(this, "Error when opening the connector.");
98  Logger.Error(this, ex);
99  throw;
100  }
101  }
IDatabase GetDatabase(string databaseName)
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OpenConnector ( ConnectionEndPoint  remoteEndPoint,
string  databaseName 

Definition at line 121 of file ServerConnector.cs.

121  {
122  try {
123  RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
124  Database = DatabaseHandler.GetDatabase(databaseName);
125  if (Database == null)
126  throw new InvalidOperationException();
128  OnConnectorOpen();
130  } catch (Exception) {
131  // TODO: Log the error...
132  throw;
133  }
134  }
IDatabase GetDatabase(string databaseName)
void ChangeState(ConnectorState newState)
IQuery Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.OpenQueryContext ( long  commitId)

Definition at line 237 of file ServerConnector.cs.

237  {
238  var transaction = Database.TransactionFactory.OpenTransactions.FindById((int)commitId);
239  if (transaction == null)
240  throw new InvalidOperationException();
242  var session = new Session(transaction, User);
243  return session.CreateQuery();
244  }
ITransactionFactory TransactionFactory
Gets an object that is used to create new transactions to this database
Definition: IDatabase.cs:56
Provides the information for a user in a database system
Definition: User.cs:27
TransactionCollection OpenTransactions
Gets the collection of currently open transactions.
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.RollbackTransaction ( int  commitId)

Definition at line 430 of file ServerConnector.cs.

430  {
433  var transaction = Database.TransactionFactory.OpenTransactions.FindById(commitId);
434  if (transaction == null)
435  throw new InvalidOperationException();
437  using (var session = new Session(transaction, User)) {
438  session.Rollback();
439  }
440  }
ITransactionFactory TransactionFactory
Gets an object that is used to create new transactions to this database
Definition: IDatabase.cs:56
Provides the information for a user in a database system
Definition: User.cs:27
TransactionCollection OpenTransactions
Gets the collection of currently open transactions.
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.RollbackTransaction ( int  transactionId)

Definition at line 514 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

514  {
517  try {
518  Session.Connection.Rollback();
519  } finally {
520  Session.Connection.AutoCommit = autoCommit;
521  }
522  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.SetAutoCommit ( bool  value)

Definition at line 93 of file ServerConnector.cs.

93  {
94  autoCommit = value;
95  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.SetAutoCommit ( bool  state)

Definition at line 106 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.SetIgnoreIdentifiersCase ( bool  value)

Definition at line 101 of file ServerConnector.cs.

101  {
102  ignoreIdentifiersCase = value;
103  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.SetIgnoreIdentifiersCase ( bool  state)

Definition at line 111 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.SetParameterStyle ( QueryParameterStyle  parameterStyle)

Definition at line 97 of file ServerConnector.cs.

97  {
99  }
void Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.SetParameterStyle ( ParameterStyle  style)

Definition at line 116 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

116  {
118  parameterStyle = style;
119  }

Member Data Documentation

bool Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.autoCommit

Definition at line 32 of file ServerConnector.cs.

readonly Dictionary<long, IRef> Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.blobIdMap

Definition at line 31 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

bool Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.ignoreIdentifiersCase

Definition at line 34 of file ServerConnector.cs.

QueryParameterStyle Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.parameterStyle

Definition at line 33 of file ServerConnector.cs.

ParameterStyle Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.parameterStyle

Definition at line 35 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

Dictionary<int, QueryResult> Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.resultMap

Definition at line 36 of file ServerConnector.cs.

readonly Dictionary<int, QueryResult> Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.resultMap

Definition at line 406 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

Dictionary<int, TriggerChannel> Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.triggerChannels

Definition at line 38 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

int Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.triggerId

Definition at line 37 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

readonly object Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.triggerLock = new object()

Definition at line 39 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

int Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.uniqueResultId

Definition at line 37 of file ServerConnector.cs.

Property Documentation

ConnectorState Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.CurrentState
getprivate set

Definition at line 78 of file ServerConnector.cs.

IDatabase Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Database
getprivate setprotected

Definition at line 52 of file ServerConnector.cs.

IDatabaseHandler Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.DatabaseHandler
getprivate setprotected

Definition at line 50 of file ServerConnector.cs.

abstract ConnectionEndPoint Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.LocalEndPoint

Definition at line 70 of file ServerConnector.cs.

ILogger Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Logger

Definition at line 61 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

IDictionary<string, object> Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Metadata
getprivate setprotected

Definition at line 76 of file ServerConnector.cs.

ConnectionEndPoint Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.RemoteEndPoint
getprivate set

Definition at line 72 of file ServerConnector.cs.

AuthenticatedSession Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.Session
getprotected set

Definition at line 51 of file ServerConnector.old.cs.

User Deveel.Data.Protocol.ServerConnector.User
getprivate setprotected

Definition at line 74 of file ServerConnector.cs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: