DeveelDB  20151217
complete SQL database system, primarly developed for .NET/Mono frameworks
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Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 ExternalRoutineInfo (Type type, Type[] argTypes)
 ExternalRoutineInfo (Type type)
 ExternalRoutineInfo (Type type, string methodName)
 ExternalRoutineInfo (Type type, string methodName, Type[] argTypes)
 ExternalRoutineInfo (string typeString, string methodName)
 ExternalRoutineInfo (string typeString, string methodName, string[] argNames)
MethodInfo ResolveMethod (TType[] paramTypes)
override string ToString ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ExternalRoutineInfo Parse (string s)
static string FormatString (Type type)
static string FormatString (Type type, Type[] argTypes)
static string FormatString (Type type, string methodName)
static string FormatString (Type type, string methodName, Type[] argTypes)


string TypeName [get, private set]
string MethodName [get, private set]
bool HasMethodName [get]
string[] Arguments [get, private set]

Static Private Member Functions

static string[] ToTypeNames (Type[] argTypes)
static Type ResolveToType (string typeString)
 Resolves a type specification string to a Type. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ExternalRoutineInfo ( Type  type,
Type[]  argTypes 

Definition at line 26 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

27  : this(type, null, argTypes) {
28  }
Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ExternalRoutineInfo ( Type  type)

Definition at line 30 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

31  : this(type, String.Empty) {
32  }
A long string in the system.
Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ExternalRoutineInfo ( Type  type,
string  methodName 

Definition at line 34 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

35  : this(type, methodName, Type.EmptyTypes) {
36  }
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ExternalRoutineInfo ( Type  type,
string  methodName,
Type[]  argTypes 

Definition at line 38 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

39  : this(type.FullName, methodName, ToTypeNames(argTypes)) {
40  }
static string[] ToTypeNames(Type[] argTypes)
Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ExternalRoutineInfo ( string  typeString,
string  methodName 

Definition at line 42 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

43  : this(typeString, methodName, new string[0]) {
44  }
Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ExternalRoutineInfo ( string  typeString,
string  methodName,
string[]  argNames 

Definition at line 46 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

46  {
47  this.TypeName = typeString;
48  this.MethodName = methodName;
49  this.Arguments = argNames;
50  }

Member Function Documentation

static string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.FormatString ( Type  type)

Definition at line 278 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

278  {
279  return FormatString(type, Type.EmptyTypes);
280  }
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
static string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.FormatString ( Type  type,
Type[]  argTypes 

Definition at line 282 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

282  {
283  return FormatString(type, null, argTypes);
284  }
static string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.FormatString ( Type  type,
string  methodName 

Definition at line 286 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

286  {
287  return FormatString(type, methodName, Type.EmptyTypes);
288  }
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
static string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.FormatString ( Type  type,
string  methodName,
Type[]  argTypes 

Definition at line 290 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

290  {
291  var routineInfo = new ExternalRoutineInfo(type, methodName, argTypes);
292  return routineInfo.ToString();
293  }
ExternalRoutineInfo(Type type, Type[] argTypes)
static ExternalRoutineInfo Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.Parse ( string  s)

Definition at line 246 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

246  {
247  // Look for the first parenthese
248  int parentheseDelim = s.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
250  if (parentheseDelim != -1) {
251  // This represents type/method
252  string typeMethod = s.Substring(0, parentheseDelim);
253  // This will be deliminated by a '.'
254  int methodDelim = typeMethod.LastIndexOf(".", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
255  if (methodDelim == -1)
256  throw new FormatException("Incorrectly formatted method string: " + s);
258  string typeString = typeMethod.Substring(0, methodDelim);
259  string methodString = typeMethod.Substring(methodDelim + 1);
261  // Next parse the argument list
262  int endParentheseDelim = s.LastIndexOf(")", StringComparison.InvariantCulture);
263  if (endParentheseDelim == -1)
264  throw new FormatException("Incorrectly formatted method string: " + s);
266  string argListStr = s.Substring(parentheseDelim + 1, endParentheseDelim - (parentheseDelim + 1));
268  // Now parse the list of arguments
269  string[] args = argListStr.Split(new[]{','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
271  return new ExternalRoutineInfo(typeString, methodString, args);
272  }
274  // No parenthese so we assume this is a class
275  return new ExternalRoutineInfo(s, null);
276  }
ExternalRoutineInfo(Type type, Type[] argTypes)
MethodInfo Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ResolveMethod ( TType[]  paramTypes)

Definition at line 155 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

155  {
156  // The name of the class
157  String typeName;
158  // The name of the invokation method in the class.
159  String methodName;
160  // The object specification that must be matched. If any entry is 'null'
161  // then the argument parameter is discovered.
162  Type[] argTypes;
163  bool firstProcedureConnectionIgnore;
165  if (!HasMethodName) {
166  // This means the typeString only specifies a class name, so we use
167  // 'Invoke' as the static method to call, and discover the arguments.
168  typeName = TypeName;
169  methodName = "Invoke";
170  // All null which means we discover the arg types dynamically
171  argTypes = new Type[paramTypes.Length];
172  // ignore IProcedureConnection is first argument
173  firstProcedureConnectionIgnore = true;
174  } else {
175  // This means we specify a class and method name and argument
176  // specification.
177  typeName = TypeName;
178  methodName = MethodName;
179  argTypes = new Type[Arguments.Length];
181  for (int i = 0; i < Arguments.Length; ++i) {
182  String typeSpec = Arguments[i];
183  argTypes[i] = ResolveToType(typeSpec);
184  }
186  firstProcedureConnectionIgnore = false;
187  }
189  Type routineType = Type.GetType(typeName, false, true);
190  if (routineType == null)
191  throw new Exception("Procedure class not found: " + typeName);
193  // Get all the methods in this class
194  MethodInfo[] methods = routineType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
195  MethodInfo invokeMethod = null;
196  // Search for the invoke method
197  foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) {
198  if (method.Name.Equals(methodName)) {
199  bool paramsMatch;
201  // Get the parameters for this method
202  ParameterInfo[] methodArgs = method.GetParameters();
204  // If no methods, and object_specification has no args then this is a
205  // match.
206  if (methodArgs.Length == 0 && argTypes.Length == 0) {
207  paramsMatch = true;
208  } else {
209  int searchStart = 0;
210  // Is the first arugments a IProcedureConnection implementation?
211  if (firstProcedureConnectionIgnore &&
212  typeof(IProcedureConnection).IsAssignableFrom(methodArgs[0].ParameterType)) {
213  searchStart = 1;
214  }
216  // Do the number of arguments match
217  if (argTypes.Length == methodArgs.Length - searchStart) {
218  // Do they match the specification?
219  bool matchSpec = true;
220  for (int n = 0; n < argTypes.Length && matchSpec; ++n) {
221  Type argType = argTypes[n];
222  if (argType != null &&
223  argType != methodArgs[n + searchStart].ParameterType) {
224  matchSpec = false;
225  }
226  }
227  paramsMatch = matchSpec;
228  } else {
229  paramsMatch = false;
230  }
231  }
233  if (paramsMatch) {
234  if (invokeMethod != null)
235  throw new Exception("Ambiguous public static " + methodName + " methods in stored procedure class '" + typeName + "'");
237  invokeMethod = method;
238  }
239  }
240  }
242  // Return the invoke method we found
243  return invokeMethod;
244  }
A long string in the system.
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
static Type ResolveToType(string typeString)
Resolves a type specification string to a Type.
static Type Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ResolveToType ( string  typeString)

Resolves a type specification string to a Type.


Definition at line 79 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

79  {
80  // Trim the string
81  typeString = typeString.Trim();
83  // Is this an array? Count the number of array dimensions.
84  int dimensions = -1;
85  int lastIndex = typeString.Length;
86  while (lastIndex > 0) {
87  ++dimensions;
88  lastIndex = typeString.LastIndexOf("[]", lastIndex, StringComparison.InvariantCulture) - 1;
89  }
91  // Remove the array part
92  int arrayEnd = typeString.Length - (dimensions * 2);
93  String typePart = typeString.Substring(0, arrayEnd);
94  // Check there's no array parts in the class part
95  if (typePart.IndexOf("[]", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) != -1)
96  throw new Exception("Type specification incorrectly formatted: " + typeString);
98  // Convert the specification to a .NET Type. For example,
99  // String is converted to typeof(System.String), etc.
100  Type cl;
101  // Is there a '.' in the class specification?
102  if (typePart.IndexOf('.') != -1) {
103  // Must be a specification such as 'System.Uri' or 'System.Collection.IList'.
104  try {
105  cl = Type.GetType(typePart);
106  } catch (TypeLoadException) {
107  throw new Exception("Type not found: " + typePart);
108  }
109  }
111  // Try for a primitive types
112  else if (typePart.Equals("boolean") ||
113  typePart.Equals("bool")) {
114  cl = typeof(bool);
115  } else if (typePart.Equals("byte")) {
116  cl = typeof(byte);
117  } else if (typePart.Equals("short")) {
118  cl = typeof(short);
119  } else if (typePart.Equals("char")) {
120  cl = typeof(char);
121  } else if (typePart.Equals("int")) {
122  cl = typeof(int);
123  } else if (typePart.Equals("long")) {
124  cl = typeof(long);
125  } else if (typePart.Equals("float")) {
126  cl = typeof(float);
127  } else if (typePart.Equals("double")) {
128  cl = typeof(double);
129  } else {
130  // Not a primitive type so try resolving against System.* or some
131  // key classes in Deveel.Data.*
132  if (typePart.Equals("IProcedureConnection")) {
133  cl = typeof(IProcedureConnection);
134  } else {
135  try {
136  cl = Type.GetType("System." + typePart);
137  } catch (TypeLoadException) {
138  // No luck so give up,
139  throw new Exception("Type not found: " + typePart);
140  }
141  }
142  }
144  // Finally make into a dimension if necessary
145  if (dimensions > 0) {
146  // This is a little untidy way of doing this. Perhaps a better approach
147  // would be to make an array encoded string.
148  cl = Array.CreateInstance(cl, new int[dimensions]).GetType();
149  }
151  return cl;
152  }
A long string in the system.
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
override string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ToString ( )

Definition at line 295 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

295  {
296  var sb = new StringBuilder(TypeName);
297  if (HasMethodName) {
298  sb.Append('.');
299  sb.Append(MethodName);
300  }
302  sb.Append('(');
303  if (Arguments != null && Arguments.Length > 0) {
304  for (int i = 0; i < Arguments.Length; i++) {
305  sb.Append(Arguments[i]);
307  if (i < Arguments.Length - 1)
308  sb.Append(", ");
309  }
310  }
312  sb.Append(')');
313  return sb.ToString();
314  }
static string [] Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.ToTypeNames ( Type[]  argTypes)

Definition at line 62 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

62  {
63  if (argTypes == null || argTypes.Length == 0)
64  return new string[0];
66  var argNames = new string[argTypes.Length];
67  for (var i = 0; i < argTypes.Length; i++) {
68  argNames[i] = argTypes[i].FullName;
69  }
71  return argNames;
72  }

Property Documentation

string [] Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.Arguments
getprivate set

Definition at line 60 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

bool Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.HasMethodName

Definition at line 56 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.MethodName
getprivate set

Definition at line 54 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

string Deveel.Data.Routines.ExternalRoutineInfo.TypeName
getprivate set

Definition at line 52 of file ExternalRoutineInfo.cs.

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