DeveelDB  20151217
complete SQL database system, primarly developed for .NET/Mono frameworks
Public Member Functions | Properties | Private Member Functions | Static Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 BinarySerializer ()
object Deserialize (Stream stream, Type graphType)
object Deserialize (BinaryReader reader, Type graphType)
void Serialize (Stream stream, object obj)
void Serialize (BinaryWriter writer, object obj)


Encoding Encoding [get, set]

Private Member Functions

object DeserializeType (BinaryReader reader, Type graphType)
ConstructorInfo GetDefaultConstructor (Type type)
object CustomDeserialize (BinaryReader reader, Type graphType)
ConstructorInfo GetSpecialConstructor (Type type)

Static Private Member Functions

static void ReadValues (BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding, IDictionary< string, object > values)
static object ReadValue (BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
static Type ReadType (BinaryReader reader)
static object ReadObject (BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
static Array ReadArray (BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
static void GetObjectValues (Type objType, object obj, SerializeData graph)
static void SerializeGraph (BinaryWriter writer, Encoding encoding, SerializeData graph)
static byte GetTypeCode (Type type)
static void SerializeValue (BinaryWriter writer, Encoding encoding, Type type, object value)

Private Attributes

const byte BooleanType = 1
const byte ByteType = 2
const byte Int16Type = 3
const byte Int32Type = 4
const byte Int64Type = 5
const byte SingleType = 6
const byte DoubleType = 7
const byte StringType = 8
const byte ObjectType = 15
const byte ArrayType = 20

Detailed Description

Definition at line 25 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.BinarySerializer ( )

Definition at line 26 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

26  {
27  Encoding = Encoding.Unicode;
28  }

Member Function Documentation

object Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.CustomDeserialize ( BinaryReader  reader,
Type  graphType 

Definition at line 106 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

106  {
107  var ctor = GetSpecialConstructor(graphType);
108  if (ctor == null)
109  throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("The type '{0}' has not the special serialization constructor",
110  graphType));
112  var values = new Dictionary<string, object>();
113  ReadValues(reader, Encoding, values);
115  var graph = new ObjectData(graphType, values);
116  return ctor.Invoke(new object[] {graph});
117  }
static void ReadValues(BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding, IDictionary< string, object > values)
A long string in the system.
ConstructorInfo GetSpecialConstructor(Type type)
object Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Deserialize ( Stream  stream,
Type  graphType 

Definition at line 32 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

32  {
33  if (stream == null)
34  throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
35  if (!stream.CanRead)
36  throw new ArgumentException("The input stream cannot be read.", "stream");
38  var reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding);
39  return Deserialize(reader, graphType);
40  }
object Deserialize(Stream stream, Type graphType)
object Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Deserialize ( BinaryReader  reader,
Type  graphType 

Definition at line 42 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

42  {
43  if (reader == null)
44  throw new ArgumentNullException("reader");
45  if (graphType == null)
46  throw new ArgumentNullException("graphType");
48  if (!Attribute.IsDefined(graphType, typeof (SerializableAttribute)))
49  throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("The type '{0}' is not marked as serializable.", graphType));
51  if (typeof (ISerializable).IsAssignableFrom(graphType))
52  return CustomDeserialize(reader, graphType);
54  return DeserializeType(reader, graphType);
55  }
A long string in the system.
object CustomDeserialize(BinaryReader reader, Type graphType)
object DeserializeType(BinaryReader reader, Type graphType)
object Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.DeserializeType ( BinaryReader  reader,
Type  graphType 

Definition at line 57 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

57  {
58  var ctor = GetDefaultConstructor(graphType);
59  if (ctor == null)
60  throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("The type '{0}' does not specify any default empty constructor.", graphType));
62  var fields = graphType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
63  .Where(member => !member.IsDefined(typeof (NonSerializedAttribute), false));
64  var properties = graphType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
65  .Where(member => member.CanWrite && !member.IsDefined(typeof (NonSerializedAttribute), false));
67  var members = new List<MemberInfo>();
68  members.AddRange(fields.Cast<MemberInfo>());
69  members.AddRange(properties.Cast<MemberInfo>());
71  var values = new Dictionary<string, object>();
72  ReadValues(reader, Encoding, values);
74  var obj = ctor.Invoke(new object[0]);
76  foreach (var member in members) {
77  var memberName = member.Name;
78  object value;
80  if (values.TryGetValue(memberName, out value)) {
81  // TODO: convert the source value to the destination value...
83  if (member is PropertyInfo) {
84  var property = (PropertyInfo) member;
85  property.SetValue(obj, value, null);
86  } else if (member is FieldInfo) {
87  var field = (FieldInfo) member;
88  field.SetValue(obj, value);
89  }
90  }
91  }
93  return obj;
94  }
static void ReadValues(BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding, IDictionary< string, object > values)
A long string in the system.
ConstructorInfo GetDefaultConstructor(Type type)
ConstructorInfo Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.GetDefaultConstructor ( Type  type)

Definition at line 96 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

96  {
97  var ctors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
98  foreach (var ctor in ctors) {
99  if (ctor.GetParameters().Length == 0)
100  return ctor;
101  }
103  return null;
104  }
static void Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.GetObjectValues ( Type  objType,
object  obj,
SerializeData  graph 

Definition at line 233 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

233  {
234  var fields = objType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)
235  .Where(x => !x.IsDefined(typeof (NonSerializedAttribute), false) && !x.Name.EndsWith("_BackingField"));
236  var properties = objType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
237  .Where(x => !x.IsDefined(typeof (NonSerializedAttribute), false) && x.CanRead);
239  var members = new List<MemberInfo>();
240  members.AddRange(fields.Cast<MemberInfo>());
241  members.AddRange(properties.Cast<MemberInfo>());
243  foreach (var member in members) {
244  var memberName = member.Name;
245  Type memberType;
247  object value;
248  if (member is FieldInfo) {
249  value = ((FieldInfo) member).GetValue(obj);
250  memberType = ((FieldInfo) member).FieldType;
251  } else if (member is PropertyInfo) {
252  value = ((PropertyInfo) member).GetValue(obj, null);
253  memberType = ((PropertyInfo) member).PropertyType;
254  } else {
255  throw new NotSupportedException();
256  }
258  graph.SetValue(memberName, memberType, value);
259  }
260  }
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
ConstructorInfo Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.GetSpecialConstructor ( Type  type)

Definition at line 189 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

189  {
190  var ctors = type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
191  foreach (var ctor in ctors) {
192  var paramTypes = ctor.GetParameters().Select(x => x.ParameterType).ToArray();
193  if (paramTypes.Length == 1 && paramTypes[0] == typeof(ObjectData))
194  return ctor;
195  }
197  return null;
198  }
static byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.GetTypeCode ( Type  type)

Definition at line 290 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

290  {
291  if (type.IsArray)
292  return ArrayType;
294  if (type.IsPrimitive) {
295  if (type == typeof(bool))
296  return BooleanType;
297  if (type == typeof(byte))
298  return ByteType;
299  if (type == typeof(short))
300  return Int16Type;
301  if (type == typeof(int))
302  return Int32Type;
303  if (type == typeof(long))
304  return Int64Type;
305  if (type == typeof(float))
306  return SingleType;
307  if (type == typeof(double))
308  return DoubleType;
309  }
311  if (type == typeof (string))
312  return StringType;
314  if (Attribute.IsDefined(type, typeof(SerializableAttribute)))
315  return ObjectType;
317  return null;
318  }
static Array Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ReadArray ( BinaryReader  reader,
Encoding  encoding 

Definition at line 178 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

178  {
179  var objType = ReadType(reader);
180  var arrayLength = reader.ReadInt32();
181  var array = Array.CreateInstance(objType, arrayLength);
182  for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
183  array.SetValue(ReadValue(reader, encoding), i);
184  }
186  return array;
187  }
static Type ReadType(BinaryReader reader)
static object ReadValue(BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
static object Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ReadObject ( BinaryReader  reader,
Encoding  encoding 

Definition at line 169 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

169  {
170  var objType = ReadType(reader);
171  var serializer = new BinarySerializer {
172  Encoding = encoding
173  };
175  return serializer.Deserialize(reader, objType);
176  }
static Type ReadType(BinaryReader reader)
static Type Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ReadType ( BinaryReader  reader)

Definition at line 164 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

164  {
165  var typeString = reader.ReadString();
166  return Type.GetType(typeString, true);
167  }
A user-defined TYPE that holds complex objects in a database column.
static object Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ReadValue ( BinaryReader  reader,
Encoding  encoding 

Definition at line 133 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

133  {
134  var typeCode = reader.ReadByte();
135  var nullCheck = reader.ReadBoolean();
137  if (nullCheck)
138  return null;
140  if (typeCode == BooleanType)
141  return reader.ReadBoolean();
142  if (typeCode == ByteType)
143  return reader.ReadByte();
144  if (typeCode == Int16Type)
145  return reader.ReadInt16();
146  if (typeCode == Int32Type)
147  return reader.ReadInt32();
148  if (typeCode == Int64Type)
149  return reader.ReadInt64();
150  if (typeCode == SingleType)
151  return reader.ReadSingle();
152  if (typeCode == DoubleType)
153  return reader.ReadDouble();
154  if (typeCode == StringType)
155  return reader.ReadString();
156  if (typeCode == ObjectType)
157  return ReadObject(reader, encoding);
158  if (typeCode == ArrayType)
159  return ReadArray(reader, encoding);
161  throw new NotSupportedException("Invalid type code in serialization graph");
162  }
static Array ReadArray(BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
static object ReadObject(BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
static void Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ReadValues ( BinaryReader  reader,
Encoding  encoding,
IDictionary< string, object >  values 

Definition at line 119 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

119  {
120  int count = reader.ReadInt32();
122  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
123  var keyLen = reader.ReadInt32();
124  var keyChars = reader.ReadChars(keyLen);
125  var key = new string(keyChars);
127  var value = ReadValue(reader, encoding);
129  values[key] = value;
130  }
131  }
static object ReadValue(BinaryReader reader, Encoding encoding)
void Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Serialize ( Stream  stream,
object  obj 

Definition at line 200 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

200  {
201  if (stream == null)
202  throw new ArgumentNullException("stream");
204  if (!stream.CanWrite)
205  throw new ArgumentException("The serialization stream is not writeable.");
207  var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream, Encoding);
208  Serialize(writer, obj);
209  }
void Serialize(Stream stream, object obj)
void Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Serialize ( BinaryWriter  writer,
object  obj 

Definition at line 211 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

211  {
212  if (writer == null)
213  throw new ArgumentNullException("writer");
214  if (obj == null)
215  throw new ArgumentNullException("obj");
217  var objType = obj.GetType();
219  if (!Attribute.IsDefined(objType, typeof(SerializableAttribute)))
220  throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("The type '{0} is not serializable", objType.FullName));
222  var graph = new SerializeData(objType);
224  if (typeof (ISerializable).IsAssignableFrom(objType)) {
225  ((ISerializable) obj).GetData(graph);
226  } else {
227  GetObjectValues(objType, obj, graph);
228  }
230  SerializeGraph(writer, Encoding, graph);
231  }
A long string in the system.
static void GetObjectValues(Type objType, object obj, SerializeData graph)
static void SerializeGraph(BinaryWriter writer, Encoding encoding, SerializeData graph)
static void Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.SerializeGraph ( BinaryWriter  writer,
Encoding  encoding,
SerializeData  graph 

Definition at line 262 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

262  {
263  var values = graph.Values.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
264  var count = values.Count;
266  writer.Write(count);
268  foreach (var pair in values) {
269  var key = pair.Key;
270  var keyLength = key.Length;
272  writer.Write(keyLength);
273  writer.Write(key.ToCharArray());
275  SerializeValue(writer, encoding, pair.Value.Key, pair.Value.Value);
276  }
277  }
static void SerializeValue(BinaryWriter writer, Encoding encoding, Type type, object value)
static void Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.SerializeValue ( BinaryWriter  writer,
Encoding  encoding,
Type  type,
object  value 

Definition at line 320 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

320  {
321  var typeCode = GetTypeCode(type);
322  if (typeCode == null)
323  throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("The type '{0}' is not supported.", type));
325  var nullCheck = value == null;
327  writer.Write(typeCode.Value);
328  writer.Write(nullCheck);
330  if (value == null)
331  return;
333  if (typeCode == ArrayType) {
334  var typeString = type.GetElementType().FullName;
335  writer.Write(typeString);
337  var array = (Array) value;
338  var arrayLength = array.Length;
339  var arrayType = type.GetElementType();
341  writer.Write(arrayLength);
343  for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
344  var element = array.GetValue(i);
345  SerializeValue(writer, encoding, arrayType, element);
346  }
347  } else if (typeCode == ObjectType) {
348  var realType = value.GetType();
349  writer.Write(realType.FullName);
351  var serializer = new BinarySerializer {Encoding = encoding};
352  serializer.Serialize(writer, value);
353  } else if (typeCode == BooleanType) {
354  writer.Write((bool) value);
355  } else if (typeCode == ByteType) {
356  writer.Write((byte) value);
357  } else if (typeCode == Int16Type) {
358  writer.Write((short) value);
359  } else if (typeCode == Int32Type) {
360  writer.Write((int) value);
361  } else if (typeCode == Int64Type) {
362  writer.Write((long) value);
363  } else if (typeCode == SingleType) {
364  writer.Write((float) value);
365  } else if (typeCode == DoubleType) {
366  writer.Write((double) value);
367  } else if (typeCode == StringType) {
368  writer.Write((string) value);
369  }
370  }
A long string in the system.
static void SerializeValue(BinaryWriter writer, Encoding encoding, Type type, object value)

Member Data Documentation

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ArrayType = 20

Definition at line 288 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.BooleanType = 1

Definition at line 279 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ByteType = 2

Definition at line 280 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.DoubleType = 7

Definition at line 285 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Int16Type = 3

Definition at line 281 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Int32Type = 4

Definition at line 282 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Int64Type = 5

Definition at line 283 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.ObjectType = 15

Definition at line 287 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.SingleType = 6

Definition at line 284 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

const byte Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.StringType = 8

Definition at line 286 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

Property Documentation

Encoding Deveel.Data.Serialization.BinarySerializer.Encoding

Definition at line 30 of file BinarySerializer.cs.

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