MonoDevelop is split in several tarballs: one for the main application, and one for each optional add-in.
The MonoDevelop build system consists of a ‘main’ module, which contains the main distribution, and a number of additional add-ins in subdirectories of "Extras".
The "Extras" add-ins are designed to be built and distributed separately, and therefore build against your system-installed MonoDevelop by default.
ensures that they will be loaded when MonoDevelop is launched with ‘make run’ in this top-level directory.
You can select the list of extra add-ins to be built by running this command:
./configure --select
You can also configure a predefined list of modules by specifying a build profile using the –profile option.
В версии 6.1 список зависимостей обновился и расширился:
Unable to find version '6.0.8' of package 'Newtonsoft.Json'.
Unable to find version '2.6.4' of package 'NUnit.Runners'.
Unable to find version '5.2.3' of package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc'.
Unable to find version '3.2.3' of package 'Microsoft.AspNet.Razor'.
Unable to find version '3.2.3' of package 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages'.
Unable to find version '' of package 'Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure'.
Unable to find version '5.5.1' of package 'ICSharpCode.NRefactory'.
Unable to find version '' of package 'Mono.Cecil'.
Unable to find version '1.0.81' of package 'LibGit2Sharp.NativeBinaries'.
Unable to find version '3.0.1' of package 'NUnit.Engine'.