Как устанавливается fsharpc

Разработка на C# под linux
$ which fsharpc

$ cat /usr/local/bin/fsharpc

EXEC="exec "

if test x"$1" = x--debug; then

if test x"$1" = x--gdb; then
   EXEC="gdb --eval-command=run --args "

if test x"$1" = x--valgrind; then
  EXEC="valgrind $VALGRIND_OPTIONS"   

# Beware this line must match the regular expression " (\/.*)\/fsi\.exe" when fsc.exe is fsi.exe.
# That's because the FSharp MonoDevelop addin looks inside the text of this script to determine the installation
# location of the default FSharp install in order to find the FSharp compiler binaries (see 
# fsharpbinding/MonoDevelop.FSharpBinding/Services/CompilerLocationUtils.fs). That's a pretty unfortunate
# way of finding those binaries. And really should be changed.
$EXEC /usr/bin/mono $DEBUG $MONO_OPTIONS /usr/local/lib/mono/4.5/fsc.exe --exename:$(basename "$0") "$@"
$ file /usr/local/lib/mono/4.5/fsc.exe
/usr/local/lib/mono/4.5/fsc.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows

$ mono /usr/local/lib/mono/4.5/fsc.exe --help

F# Compiler for F# 4.0 (Open Source Edition)
Freely distributed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License

--out:<file>                   Name of the output file (Short form: -o)
--target:exe                   Build a console executable
--target:winexe                Build a Windows executable
--target:library               Build a library (Short form: -a)
--target:module                Build a module that can be added to another assembly
--delaysign[+|-]               Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key
--publicsign[+|-]              Public-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key, and mark the assembly as signed
--doc:<file>                   Write the xmldoc of the assembly to the given file
--keyfile:<file>               Specify a strong name key file
--keycontainer:<string>        Specify a strong name key container
--platform:<string>            Limit which platforms this code can run on: x86, Itanium, x64, anycpu32bitpreferred, or anycpu. The default is
--nooptimizationdata           Only include optimization information essential for implementing inlined constructs. Inhibits cross-module inlining
                               but improves binary compatibility.
--nointerfacedata              Don't add a resource to the generated assembly containing F#-specific metadata
--sig:<file>                   Print the inferred interface of the assembly to a file
--nocopyfsharpcore             Don't copy FSharp.Core.dll along the produced binaries

--reference:<file>             Reference an assembly (Short form: -r)

--win32res:<file>              Specify a Win32 resource file (.res)
--win32manifest:<file>         Specify a Win32 manifest file
--nowin32manifest              Do not include the default Win32 manifest
--resource:<resinfo>           Embed the specified managed resource
--linkresource:<resinfo>       Link the specified resource to this assembly where the resinfo format is <file>[,<string name>[,public|private]]

--debug[+|-]                   Emit debug information (Short form: -g)
--debug:{full|pdbonly|portable} Specify debugging type: full, portable, pdbonly. ('full' is the default and enables attaching a debugger to a
                               running program. 'portable' is a cross-platform format).
--optimize[+|-]                Enable optimizations (Short form: -O)
--tailcalls[+|-]               Enable or disable tailcalls
--crossoptimize[+|-]           Enable or disable cross-module optimizations

--warnaserror[+|-]             Report all warnings as errors
--warnaserror[+|-]:<warn;...>  Report specific warnings as errors
--warn:<n>                     Set a warning level (0-5)
--nowarn:<warn;...>            Disable specific warning messages
--warnon:<warn;...>            Enable specific warnings that may be off by default
--consolecolors[+|-]           Output warning and error messages in color

--checked[+|-]                 Generate overflow checks
--define:<string>              Define conditional compilation symbols (Short form: -d)
--mlcompatibility              Ignore ML compatibility warnings

--nologo                       Suppress compiler copyright message
--help                         Display this usage message (Short form: -?)
--@<file>                      Read response file for more options

--codepage:<n>                 Specify the codepage used to read source files
--utf8output                   Output messages in UTF-8 encoding
--fullpaths                    Output messages with fully qualified paths
--lib:<dir;...>                Specify a directory for the include path which is used to resolve source files and assemblies (Short form: -I)
--baseaddress:<address>        Base address for the library to be built
--noframework                  Do not reference the default CLI assemblies by default
--standalone                   Statically link the F# library and all referenced DLLs that depend on it into the assembly being generated
--staticlink:<file>            Statically link the given assembly and all referenced DLLs that depend on this assembly. Use an assembly name e.g.
                               mylib, not a DLL name.
--resident                     Use a resident background compilation service to improve compiler startup times.
--pdb:<string>                 Name the output debug file
--simpleresolution             Resolve assembly references using directory-based rules rather than MSBuild resolution
--highentropyva[+|-]           Enable high-entropy ASLR
--subsystemversion:<string>    Specify subsystem version of this assembly
--targetprofile:<string>       Specify target framework profile of this assembly. Valid values are mscorlib or netcore. Default - mscorlib
--quotations-debug[+|-]        Emit debug information in quotations